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Literary Analysis on "The Story of an Hour" by Kate Chopin

(Critical Analysis Essay)

Th story of an Hour by Kate Chopin was first published on vogue on December 6,1894 under
the title "The Dream of an Hour". is a short yet complex story, describing Mrs Mallard’s feelings. It
focuses on the unfolding emotional state of Mrs Mallard after the news of her husbands death,
and has overflowing symbolism and imagery. It is an impressive literary piece that touches the
readers’ feelings and mind and allows the reader to have a connection to Mrs Mallard’s
emotional process. Although the story is short, it is complete with each word carrying deep sense
and meaning.

Louise Mallard, the main character, had always had a heart problem. One day her
husband, Brently Mallard, was mistaken for having died in a horrible railroad accident. Richard,
Mr. Mallard’s friend, was the one who learned about this death while in the office. Josephine, her
sister, broke the news to Louise. Bit by bit, she strategized how to tell everything to her sister,
which went perfectly well. Immediately, Mrs. Mallard went to a room and locked herself to
mourn the loss of her husband. She was devastated, and this sadness was only natural. Mrs.
Mallard was alone in that room, thinking about the future. As she was contemplating her fate,
instead of grief, she began realizing that this is the beginning of a better part of her life. Louise
saw independence and plenty of possibilities to do what her heart desired. Now, she had only to
think about herself.
Later, Josephine comes to Louise’s room, crying with a joyous smile. They descend the house’s
stairs where Mr. Mallard appears at the door. He was not involved in the accident and did not
understand why Josephine was crying. At the shock of seeing her husband again, Mrs. Mallard
collapses. The doctors declare that she died because of the problems with her heart.

"The Story of an Hour",in my opinion, is a good piece of literarture. It is well written, clearly
written, entertaining, and it brings a bit of challenge to the reader.
Health issues of the central character play a significant role in the story. The author managed
to bring the suspense out in the way he described telling the bad news to a person with a heart
problem. Josephine, Louise’s sister, tries her best to be careful and attentive, expecting a painful
response. However, Mrs. Mallard reacts better than anticipated. The focus of the story is mostly
about femininity and the institution of marriage and the author was able to illustrate that men
entirely dominated the institution of marriage.
The room and environment around Mrs. Mallard symbolize her desire for freedom. For
example, through the window , Mrs. Mallard could see the tops of trees. They were all aquiver
with the new spring life on the open square before her house. There was a delicious breath of
rain in the air. A peddler was weeping his wares in the street below. There were spots of blue sky
showing up here and there through the clouds in the west facing her window which had met and
piled up one above the other An open window could be interpreted as a metaphor. It reflects
new possibilities and resources that Mrs. Mallard now had in her sights without anybody
stopping her. She referred to it as the late spring of life.
The story reveals how women were secretly marginalized. At the time, society expected
them to pursue wealth and safety, which came with a husband. Liberty should be neither their
worry nor their goal.
There is a situational irony presented in the author’s stylistic way of words: “She had died of
heart disease…of the joy that kills.” People around anticipated this tragedy from the news about
Mr. Mallard’s death, not miraculous survival.
Therefore, the author explored the character of Mrs. Mallard throughout this story. The
reader can’t be surprised by her sudden death or miss its irony. Louise is a woman with a great
desire for independence, which a man has deprived her of through marriage. Mr. Mallard
represents the absence of her liberty that restores after his death. When Mrs. Mallard sees her
husband at the door once again, she collapses and never wakes up.

Mrs. Mallard was not able to handle the swings in her emotions and this cost her life. Mr.
Mallard was left probably mourning for his wife that he never treasured. He took her for granted
and has to face the consequences. Oppressing a wife or another person causes a more significant
loss to the oppressor. It is quite ironical that Mr. Mallard never knew that his presence killed his

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