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Sick and ill A rash Dengue fever

a. Dizzy (Pusing) a. Itchy (Gatal) a. Fever 40°C or more (Demam 40°C atau
b. Diarrhea (Diare) b. Reddened skin (Kulit memerah) b. Severe headache (Sakit kepala parah)
c. Chest pain (Sakit dada) c. Thick and rough skin ( c. Pain in joints, muscles and bones (Nyeri
d. Worried (Cemas) d. Scald (Luka melepuh) d. Swollen lymph nodes (Pembengkakan
e. Weak / tired (Lemah/lelah) e. Skin area infection (Infeksi area kulit) e. Red rash (Ruam merah)
a cold Heart burn Typhus
a. Sneeze (Bersin) a. Stomach burning (Perut terbakar) a.Decreased appetite (Nafsu makan
b. Stuffy nose (Hidung tersumbat) b. Nausea (Mual) b. High fever (Demam tinggi)
c. Sore throat (Sakit tenggorokan) c. Loss of appetite c. Excessive Sweat (Keringat Berlebihan)
d. Mild headache (Sakit kepala ringan) d. Bloated stomach (perut kembung) d. Diarrhea and Constipation (Diare dan
e. Cough (Batuk) e. Weight loss (Penurunan berat badan) e. Dehydration (Dehidrasi)
Fever Backache Constipation
a. Headache (Sakit kepala) a. Stabbing a. CHAPTER less than 3 times a week (BAB
b. Sweating (Berkeringat) b. Feels only at one point b. Stool is dry and hard (Kotoran kering
c. Shivering (Gemetaran) c. It appears suddenly c. Pain when defecating (Sakit saat buang
d. Weak (Lemah) d. The pain persists or goes away and d. Stomach feels bloated and full (Perut
e. Muscle ache (Sakit otot) reappears e. Difficult defecating completely (Sulit
The flu e. Sick during activity Pneumonia
a. Dry cough (Batuk kering) Broken leg a. Cough (Batuk)
b. Headache (Sakit kepala) a. Can’t walk (Tidak bisa berjalan) b. Fever, sweating, chills
c. Sore throat (Sakit tenggorokan) b. The pain (Rasa nyeri) c. (Demam, berkeringat, menggigil)
d. Shivering body (Tubuh menggigil) c. Swollen (Bengkak) d. Hard to breathe (Sesak napas)
e. Sweating (Berkeringat) d. Numb (Mati rasa) e. Breaths become fast and short (Napas
Cough e. Bruises (Memar) f. Chest pain (Nyeri dada)
a. Throat dry and itchy Runny nose Heart attack
b. Pain when swallowing (Sakit saat a. Sneeze (Bersin) a. Heart palpitations (Jantung berdebar)
menelan) b. A cold (Pilek) b. Fever (Demam)
c. Fever (Demam) c. Hard to breathe (Sulit bernapas lega) c. Heart rhythm changes (Irama jantung b
d. Headache (Sakit kepala) d. Allergy (Alergi) d. Swelling of the arms, abdomen, legs, or
e. Nausea or vomit (Mual atau muntah) e. Flu (Flu) around the eyes. (Pembengkakan pada
Asthma Diarrhea e. Pain in the neck, jaw, throat and back
a. Hard to breathe (Sesak napas) a. Stomach heartburn (Perut mulas) Diabetes
b. Cough (Batuk) b. Watery and bloody stools a. Hurry up hungry (Cepat lapar)
c. Tight chest (Dada kencang) c. Dehydration (Dehidrasi) b. Weight loss drastically (Penurunan b
d. Wheezing (Mengi) d. Limp (Lemas) c. Dry skin( Kulit kering)
e. Pale and sweaty face e. Dry skin (Kulit kering) d. Wounds that are hard to heal (Luka y
Allergies Spure and mouth sore e. Weak (Lemas)
a. Rash (Ruam) a. Wound (Luka) Cataract
b. Itchy skin (Kulit yang gatal) b. Swollen skin around the wound (Kulit a. Blurred vision (Penglihatan kabur)
c. The skin is swollen and red c. Pain when chewing or brushing teeth b. The colors around look faded (Warna di
d. Itchy nose (Hidung gatal) d. Irritation (Iritasi) c. Double view (Tampilan ganda)
e. Skin peeling (Kulit mengelupas) e. Stings (Perih) d. Decreased vision at night. (Penurunan
A headache Nausea e. Dazzled (Silau)
a. Visual disturbances a. Gastric pains (Sakit maag) Appendicitis
b. Difficulty speaking (Kesulitan berbicara) b. Headache (Sakit kepala) a. Loss of appetite (Kehilangan selera
c. Stiff neck (Leher kaku) c. Stomachache (Sakit perut) makan)
d. Loss of consciousness d. Bloated (Perut kembung) b. Bloated (Bengkak)
e. High fever (Demam tinggi) e. Limp (Lemas) c. Can't pass gas (fart) (Tidak bisa buang
Stomachache Vomit gas (kentut))
a. Pain all over the stomach a. Stomachache (sakit perut) d. Nauseous (Mual)
b. Pain in certain parts b. Nausea (Mual) e. Constipation or diarrhea (Sembelit atau
c. Pain when urinating c. Dehydration (Dehidrasi) diare)
d. Stomach cramps (Keram perut) d. Weak (Lemah) Burnt wound
e. Bloating (kembung) e. Headache (Sakit kepala) a. Hot thing (Hal yang panas)
A toothache Pink eye b. Sunlight (Sinar matahari)
a. Bad smell in the mouth a. Red eyelids (Kelopak mata merah) c. Radiation (Radiasi)
b. Pain when chewing b. Itchy (Gatal) d. Chemical material (Bahan kimia)
c. Swollen gums (Gusi bengkak) c. Swollen (Bengkak) e. Electricity (Bahan kimia)
d. Difficulty swallowing d. Watery eyes (Mata berair) Callous
e. Difficult opening the mouth e. Blurry vision (Penglihatan buram) a. Hardens, and feels rough (Mengeras,
Earache Cancer b. Dry and cracked (Kering dan pecah-p
a. Itching of the ears (Gatal pada telinga) a. Weight loss drastically (Penurunan c. Thickened skin (Kulit menebal)
b. Infection (Infeksi) b. Fever (Demam) d. Hard lumps (Benjolan keras)
c. Red and swollen (Merah dan bengkak) c. Bleeding (Pendarahan) e. Pain under the skin (Rasa nyeri di b
d. Discharge (Keluar cairan) d. Changes to the skin (Perubahan pada Bird flu
e. Hearing disorders e. Lumps on the limbs (Benjolan di a. Fever (Demam)
Sore throat Tumor b. Cough (Batuk)
a. Pain when swallowing a. Limp (Lemas) c. Sore throat (Sakit tenggorokan)
b. Dry throat (Kering) b. Bump (Benjolan) d. Headache (Sakit kepala)
c. Mild fever (Demam ringan) c. Fever and chills (Demam dan e. Runny or stuffy nose (Hidung berair
d. Hard to talk (Sulit berbicara) d. Skin discoloration (Perubahan warna Cuts
e. Cough (Batuk) e. Lose weight (Penurunan berat badan) a. Red rash (Ruam kemerahan)
Sore eyes Breast cancer b. Pain (Rasa sakit)
a. Red eye (Mata merah) a. The appearance of a lump in the breast c. Stings (Perih)
b. Eyes sting (Mata perih) b. Change in breast skin color (Perubahan d. The wound is hot (Luka terasa panas)
c. Eyes itchy (Mata gatal) c. Nipples hurt (Puting sakit) e. Swelling (Pembengkakan)
d. Swollen eyes (Mata bengkak) d. A lump appears in the armpit (Muncul Sore arm
e. Blurred vision (Penglihatan kabur) e. Exfoliation of the skin around the a. Body feels crushed (Badan terasa
Measles nipples (Pengelupasan kulit di sekitar puting b. Rigid (Kaku)
a. Fever (Demam) Sprain c. Rheumatic pain (Linu)
b. Headache (Sakit kepala) a. Pain (Rasa nyeri) d. Cramps (Keram)
c. Itching of the skin b. Swelling (Pembengkakan) e. Joint pain (Nyeri sendi)
d. Pain in the skin (Sakit di kulit) c. Bruises (Memar) Nose bleed
e. Body shivering (Tubuh menggigil) d. Numb (Mati rasa) a. Bleeding (Pendarahan)
e. Limited movement ability (Kemampuan b. Hard to breathe (Sesak napas)
gerak terbatas) c. The face turned pale (Wajah menjadi
d. Fever (Demam)
e. Cold feet and hands (Kaki dan tangan
a. Headache (Sakit kepala)
b. Pain appears on one side (Rasa sakit
muncul di satu sisi)
c. Pain when doing activities (Sakit ketika
melakukan aktivitas)
d. Stress (Stress)
e. Dehydration (Dehidrasi)
a. Severe pain. (Sakit parah)
b. Redness. (Kemerahan)
c. Hot sensation. (Sensasi panas)
d. Swelling. (Pembengkakan)
e. Stiffness. (Kekakuan)
a. Facial muscles weaken (Otot-otot
wajah melemah)
b. Difficulty moving legs and arms (sulit
menggerakan kaki dan lengan)
c. Hard to talk (Sulit berbicara)
d. Loss of consciousness (Penurunan
e. Disorders of balance (Gangguan pada
a. Cracked coolies (Kulit pecah-pecah)
b. Coolie blushing (Kuli memerah)
c. Dry skin (Kulit kering)
d. Skin rash (Ruam kulit)
e. Bump (Bentol)
Yellow fever
a. The inside of the mouth is yellow
(Bagian dalam mulut berwarna kuning)
b. Dark or brown urine (Urin berwarna
gelap atau coklat)
c. Pale stools like putty (Feses berwarna
pucat seperti dempul)
d. Fever (Demam)
e. Stomacheache (Sakit perut)
a. Physical Changes (Perubahan Fisik)
b. Irregular Menstruation (Haid tidak
c. Hard to sleep (Sulit tidur)
d. Frequent Sweating and Experiencing
Hot Flashes (Sering berkeringat dan
mengalami hot flashes)
e. Memory Loss (Penurunan daya ingat)

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