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They decided somebody needed to inspect the main transformer

Where the mains came down into the airfield

It hadn't been seen since the whole place was built

which was years back

So I go and unlock the place. I go in.

it's an open big sort of thing, with an iron gate and no top

so it's exposed to the weather, and I go in

and the lines are coming down from overhead cables into here, passing through a
package of things

into the main transformer

Only about 33,000 volts

and as I went in to check, I just slightly brushed one of them

I didn't know the insulation had broken down

and it caught me

and then the last thought that went through the mind was: "Oh god, I've had it."

As casually as that.

No panic. Accepting it.

And the next thing I knew,

is such wonderful peace

and there's darkness all around

and it feels as though I'm a million miles out in space

and I realize there's a great light

and I was the light.

It's all lovely, peaceful, beautiful light in the darkness

and it came, not as a thought,

but a knowing

there's something that has to be done

I have to go and do it

And I looked around

and I looked down

and there's this little body lying across these cables

That was me -

And so I looked over there,

Oh dear: have we got to go through that all over again,

get born all over again?

I don't think we've got time for that

The hardest thing that I ever did

was the draw a breath in order to energize that body

and it lifted up, immediately

The front, down here, was smouldering

and the soles of my boots were gone

and the body was not touched

Not touched! Not a scorch, nothiing

Not a blister

I don't know how to explain that

I was shocked.

I sort of staggered out

the gate and laid on the grass outside and looked up

at the sky and at just one cloud

That was my first indication

that there was something beyond

I knew that rebirth could be, but I knew also

that when this one was over, I wouldn't hate to come back no more

And it was all a knowing, without any thought at all

and there was such peace

and then I reported back

saying that the thing needed dealing with

because somebody's going to get killed here.

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