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Mosque Management in Kupang City-NTT

Anton & Junaidin Nobisa

Islamic Education Studies Program Faculty of Islamic Studies
Muhammadiyah University of Kupang

The mosque is a building where prayers of the Muslims, and the mosque is essentially a place to
do all activities that contain obedience to God alone. besides that mosque is a ministry institution
where to print faithful people, worship connecting soul with Khaliq, people who do charity in
society life, people who have character, and morally firm.
The management of the mosque is an effort to achieve the goal of the mosque, which is to realize
the community, the people, who are revered by Allah SWT through the functions that can be
donated mosque institution with all its supporters. With this concept, the management of the
mosque is the management of the mosque which includes planning, organizing, administrating and
supervision to create a congregation in accordance with the wishes of Islam, the society is
prosperous, harmonious, safe, with the pleasure, blessing and grace of Allah swt. So that the people
are able to give rahmah to nature and its surroundings.

The existing mosque management in Kupang City has been implementing the management system
in general by using five management elements namely planning, organizing, administering,
monitoring and evaluation. of the five elements of management are the most prominent
implemented is the organizing and pengadminitrasi while on other management elements still
seem less attention, especially in monitoring and evaluation. While the activities that prosper the
mosque that is done by the mosque manager in Kupang City is still at the level of routine worship
activities just sebagiamana activities in the mosque in general such as praying touched, Friday,
feast, division of zakat and meat sacrifice, Taman Pendidika Al-qur'an, Kindergarten and others.
and yet there are other activities that can be said to be unique and new to prosper mosques and
worshipers such as entrepreneurship and others.

Keywords: Management and Mosque

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