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Name: Ma. Luz C.

Mendoza Analysis of the Reported Topics

Course: BEED – 1V Eng 203 Philippine Literature
Topic: Carts (By: Ricardo M. de Ungria)

Main Idea/ Message

Keeping God First. Make it our goal to have a deep, intimate relationship with God. Let Him

into every area of our life. If we constantly look to other people for answers and validation, pray

about this and ask the Lord to help us stop doing that and instead look to Him. As we live to

please God, He promises to bless our lives and make us prosper. When we decide to serve God

with our whole heart and make Him first in our life, our soul will prosper and our joy and peace

will increase. Remember to lean on Him more than anything else. He doesn’t expect us to live

for Him in your own strength or ability, and He understands when we make mistakes. So, if we

mess up, don’t be discouraged and let it hold us back; confess it and keep going. God will give

us grace to do what we need to do. One day at a time, you and God together can do anything!


We must put the HORSE first, before the Cart. Then, move ahead with what Lord has shown you

and the rest will follow. This makes it simple, as now we have given the responsibility, of what

we are about to do, back on God.

Symbols/ Images

The horse is the vision of what the God wants you to do. Or simply the horse symbolizes God.

The person in the Cart is You/Us. We are the one who will obey what the God has told to us.

The cart is our life. Also, our needs in life.

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