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Heading back to school in the pandemic

As school doors reopen in some countries, what does it look like for

An entire generation has seen its education interrupted.

At the height of nation-wide lockdowns in March 16, approximately 91

per cent of the world's students in more than 194 countries were out of
school. This has caused immeasurable disruption to the lives, learning
and wellbeing of children around the world.  

Deped is working together with other government agencies and schools

to keep children, particularly the most marginalized, learning and to not
just reopen schools, but reopen better schools. 

As school doors reopen in some low risk areas in the country, measures
like handwashing stations, physical distancing, mask wearing and
temperature checks are being integrated into school life. Here’s a
glimpse of what a return to school looks like for students in the following

Above: Marie Kouadio Aya, 9, is happy she can return to school in Côte
d'Ivoire on 28 May.

A student at Preah Norodom Primary School in Phnom Penh. Children

started returning to schools on 7 September with both teachers and
students wearing masks, observing physical distancing and following
safe practices.

UNICEF has been working with Cambodia’s Ministry of Education, Youth

and Sport to enable schools to open safely. This began with the
development of re-opening guidelines drawing on global best practices
and the provision of basic hygiene supplies. 

Following schools’ reopening, UNICEF has distributed 6,195 hand

sanitizers, 72,725 bars of soap and 801 thermometers among 417
schools and 290,772 students in six provinces.

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