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DES Prepares For Face-To-Face Classes

Enrile,Cagayan,- Divisoria Elementary School aims to be 100 percent ready for the conduct of the limited
face-to-face classes this coming 2022. Teachers, parents, and stakeholders join hands in preparing the
school for the chance to conduct limited face-to-face in year 2022 by continuously requesting the
parents and stakeholders to attend communal work in the school which main agenda are brass cutting,
painting, cleaning, planting, and repairing chairs, tables including electrical wires. The administration
purchase equipments and materials and build facilities needed as the classes begin as part of the
approving process of the Division Office for the limited face-to-face readiness of the school to assure the
safetiness of the learners and teachers. After the massive decrease of the covid -19 cases in Cagayan,
the IATF then categorize the province as alert level 2, with this the LGU of Enrile allow schools in the
municipality to conduct limited face-to-face classes if it follows the qualifications given by the Division
Office in connection to IATF guidelines and help to prepare the school to hold any situation specially in
preventing the spread of the virus while rendering quality education

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