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Have Got / Has Got Exercises 3

Choose have got or has got.

1. Have you got anything to ask?

2. You and I haven't got anything in common.

3. My son has got blue eyes.

4. Benny has got some goodies in his lunch box.

5. A crocodile has got a very strong jaw.

6. Lea hasn't got long hair.

7. My best friend has got a scooter.

8. Has your father got green eyes?

9. My brother has got a colorful parrot.

10. That kid has got a remote controlled car.

11. A rabbit hasn't got a long tail.

12. Bears have got fur.

13. Peacocks have got beautiful feathers.

14. Birds have got wings.

15. A bicycle has got two wheels.

Correctness =
15 / 15

Correct answers:

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1. Have you got

2. haven't got

3. has got

4. has got

5. has got

6. hasn't got

7. has got

8. Has your father got

9. has got

10. has got

11. hasn't got

12. have got

13. have got

14. have got

15. has got

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