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My dream house.

My dream house is an apartment, a big apartment in the city, there is a view, a

beautiful view, a view the buildings and the street, there are four bedrooms, one
kitchen, one bathroom in each room, there is a big library and laundry room, there
is a garden, small garden with flowers and bonsai, there is a living room, big living
room and I love the cinema then I have a cinema in my house, mini cinema and
there is games room.

In the game’s room, there is a videogame, and pool table.

In my bedroom there is a bookcase, a desk and a dresser, a minimalist dresser,

there is not a rug, but there are a lamps, beautiful lamps and minimalist, that
important for me. There is a bathroom, big bathroom, in my bathroom there is a
shower, a toilet but there is not a bath, I don’t like the bath, but there is a mirror.

In my living room there are a picture, beautiful pictures, there is a sofa, big sofa,
there is a rug, and a TV. No more.

In my dining room there Is a beautiful table and there are four chairs of color brown
with dark blue, my favorite color.

In my kitchen there is a stove, microwave and there is a refrigerator, there is an

island with chairs and there are three lamps.

There is a view, the best of the better in my house is a view, beautiful view of the
buildings, cars, taxies, people like New York, for me the cityscape is beautiful.

Right, this is my dream house, apartment in my case.

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