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G: Hi guys, how are you?

A: Hi Gianella, Hi Serhio, I’m a little bit tired for the exams.

S: Hi guys, yeah, me too…
M: Hello, it is something usual when the exams start. It is usually
very stressful.
G: I feel very stressed. I have a lot of school load. I think I may
fail the last exam.
A: It is said that drink a beer it’s a solution for stress.
M: hahahaha I can tell my mom to do a weekend meeting at
home, I may see her later.
S: Yeahhh! I agree with you bro, but Gianella can’t drink, she is
G: That’s right! It is said that alcohol it’s dangerous for your
health. I may do Yoga this weekend, that’s a better solution.
A: Ok, ok, sorry for that. And guys, Do you pass the Math exam?
S: I must pass that exam, I knew all the answers.
M: I only solved three exercises out of five, I was able to fail this
G: I may pass the exam beacuse I’m not sure about the half of my
answers. And you Alex?
A: Obviously, It is believed that the teacher pass all the soccer
players, and I’m one.
S: But don’t be confident, It might that the new Math teacher
correct the exams.
G: If it’s happens, You must be disapproved.
A: Don’t say that. I must be sure that I pass, I only need five
points in the final exam.
S: So, if everyone it’s okey, we have to celebrate. It is known that
when you finish your exams, you have to eat pepperoni pizza in
Papa Johns.
G: That’s better, okey let’s go.
A: yeah, go for that.
M: I like pepperoni pizza, go.

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