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Well, for starting you have to know that I never dreamed with be an entrepreneur but

life it’s funny, they put you in the respective place in the exactly moment as you need.
Actually, I own from two different business and I quite excited for open the third.
My first business is a soft-skills school, when people develop their skills in public
speaking, emotional intelligence, sells, leadership, working in team, etc.
The people who has in our workshops are quite satisfied with the results, because they
learn and apply everything day by day.
They have their soft-skills done when they practice daily their activities that we give
The coaches, who accompany to our students, are quite trained to every workshop
because They have sessions done. This a quite a long work, did with our company
partners a few year ago.
We have three partners: The first one it’s a Colombian company called “THT The talent
system” who has a kind of evaluation system for the soft-skills of people; the second
one it’s a national company called “B&T Aprendizaje Corporativo” who provides us
with the methodology of a quite quantity of themes for our workshops and the third it’s
a USA company called “ILC Academy”, who train to our coaches in Life Coaching, a
kind of coaching focus on the future and try to guide people for they can see all the
potential that they have.
It’s a quite great place to train if you want get better in something and you don’t know
how start.
My second business it’s a familiar business; with my brother put a liquor store but we
received help for all the family. Our aunt getting us the money to start, our grandma put
the place and our other aunt and our sisters have workers.
In this business we try to do everything together, and we believe in the idea to celebrate
moments. It’s quite funny do this stuff with family because sometimes we discuss but
always move on and get the results of the month. In July we will celebrate our first

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