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The first that I have to say is that it’s unbelievable all that our brain can do.

When I start to do what I actually do, I learn a lot about our Intelligence Quotient (IQ)
and our Emotional Quotient (EQ), and how important is the self-knowledge and the
knowledge about our emotions, and I really agree with the idea that people can create
their own happiness.
Now, she has two great points about happiness:
1. Not always we can stay in our “happy place”: People believe and do everything to try
to live in a “happy state” when they haven’t problems, everything it’s okey and no need
nothing; but the real life it’s not there. All people have problems, and suffer crisis, and
lost people that they love, and end relationships; that’s life.
2. Happiness it’s not about positive thinking, it’s about actions: When a trouble it’s
coming or it’s here, people just to suffer and overthink about the situation, the causes,
try to blame someone, try to ask why God gives that punishment and never do
something to change the situation, to resolve the problem, to get in a better panorama.
One thing that I learn a few years ago and now I confirm it’s that If we change de
situation, we change de emotion. When someone it’s pass for a bad time or a bad
situation, their mind it’s thinking about all that and can’t think in other things, but when
that person changes all the situation, the environment, the people around him, the things
that listen and see; when he or she changes the space, when move out to other place,
with other people and other mindset; that person can change their feelings, their
thought, and get really better.
In summary, we have to start to work in positive actions to get happiness for a long time
and understand that we can’t live forever in a “happy place” but we can work daily for
feel happy with we have.

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