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11/17/2020 Examen parcial - Semana 4: Cuervo Contreras Jonnathan Alexander

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Examen parcial - Semana 4

Cuervo Contreras Jonnathan Alexander entregada el 17 de nov en 14:01

talked to the store [ Seleccionar ] and he said they could

have the blue watch two days after, so I [ Seleccionar ] it

for [ Seleccionar ] .

The weekend after was the day of the party. There were sweet
[ Seleccionar ] , a big cake my mother

[ Seleccionar ] and colorful balloons everywhere. My

sister was so happy. We [ Seleccionar ] dinner, cut the

cake and then opened the presents. She loved the watch. She said it was

the [ Seleccionar ] watch in the world. I know she was

exaggerating but I loved the gesture.

Respuesta 1:

gift shop

Respuesta 2:


Respuesta 3:

more cheap

Respuesta 4:

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11/17/2020 Examen parcial - Semana 4: Cuervo Contreras Jonnathan Alexander

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