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("PRIES T").

(a) YOUR FATHER IS: 0 a bishop O a blackguard O an aristocrat

your career choice

(b) YOUR MOTHER IS: 0 a good woman of high repute O disgraced O a blue-stocking
0 currently unaccounted for
( c) AS A CHILD, YOU WERE: 0 terribly shy O a tearaway O a book-worm O prone to
epileptic fits □
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(d) YOUR CHURCH IS: 0 your home O a hole where money goes O basically a wooden
shack O an ancient and imposing monument to God

( e) YOUR SERMONS ARE: 0 a bit long O about the quiet kindness of the Lord O about
how awful it's going to be in Hell O wasted on your congregation
(f) YOUR CLOSEST FRIEND IS: 0 the Reverend Gerard Hopkins O Sister Ivy Mauresque
0 Gideon your pet mouse
(g) YOUR BIGGEST FEAR IS: 0 Hell, obviously O that maybe God doesn't exist
0 spiders O being asked to tea by Mrs Dixon-Griffiths
(h) YOU'RE CURRENTLY: 0 planning an elaborate tombola O preparing for an exorcism
0 trying to understand, for the hundreth time, the rules of bridge
(i) YOUR FAVOURITE PASTIME IS: 0 fly-fishing O playing ragtime on the church organ
0 creme de cassis and a romantic novel O writing poetry you never show anyone
(j) YOUR MOTTO IS: 0 "Every saint has a past. Every sinner has a future." 0 "At the end
of the game, the King and Pawn go in the same box." 0 "Pray to God, but row for the shore."


You're likely to be well-received at St.

Catherine's Hospital, and you may run into
admiring religious believers.


You met Loretta while hosting a village

raffle. She was impressed by how well you
managed the truculent grand prize - who
knew Lincolnshire hogs could run that fast,
or bite so many people? Swine secured,
your acquaintance blossomed into firm


. I'

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(2) Wt.11702.427 2500 Tks. -200 21-12-17 J.R .&C.

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