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Assignment 1B: Behavioral Scenarios -

Consider a group situation in which you have worked.

To what extent did the group rely on the technical skills of the group members vs. their interpersonal

Which skills seemed most important in helping the group function well?

2. Identify some examples of “worst jobs.”

What conditions of these jobs made them unpleasant?

To what extent were these conditions related to behaviors of individuals?

3. Develop a list of 3 “organizational puzzles,” that is, behavior you have observed in organizations that
seemed to make little sense. As the term progresses, see if you can begin to explain these puzzles, using
your knowledge of OB.

In my workplace, both professional and interpersonal skills are very important and complement each
other. For example, bankers need to have good computer skills to handle cash transactions and
international money transfers. These are technical skills that a bank teller develops throughout her day.
without technical skills, bank employees cannot perform their duties as directed by their superiors. I
think communication skills and listening skills are the most important when dealing with customers at
the counter. Bank employees must decide how to interact with customers and prevent customers from
eavesdropping on their conversations. Your ultimate goal is to improve customer service by providing an
exceptional customer service experience that leaves customers completely satisfied when they leave
your store. Interpersonal skills are the most important skills that help groups work well.

A worst example of a job is a telecommunications call center. For example, if a customer finds an
overcharge on their bank statement, they call a customer service number. The first thing a call center
agent does is try to solve the problem and sell other products and services at the same time. Even if
they're upset that you're paying too much, they'll try to sell you something before the call ends. Such
behavior simply discourages customers from using your services or products, or simply causes them to
cancel services and join your competitors. Each individual in an organization behaves differently. They
are not programmed to perform the same functions or tasks. Some follow the company's mission by
working effectively and efficiently, while others follow their intuition.

Organizational Puzzles:

Lack of Respect - Constantly interrupting conversations and always disrupt the conversation in front of
the customers

Lack of Commitment-expect everyone to be on time for work, when the leader is always late for the job

Bias – asking the dislike ones to do more work, while letting the favor ones to leave early

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