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(Caption and Title)


Defendant thru counsel, and unto this Honorable Court, moves to quash the information
filed against the said defendant on the following grounds:
1. That the criminal liability of the defendants has been extinguished;
2. That the defendant is in jeopardy of being convicted of the offense charged.

(a) That the criminal liability of the defendant has been extinguished.

(Here state whether such extinction of criminal liability is founded on amnesty, pardon,
or marriage of the offender the offended party in the cases where such pardon or marriage
extinguishes criminal liability, prescription of offense or the penalty, and the facts constituting
such extinction)

(b) That the defendant is in jeopardy of being convicted of the offense charged.
(Here state, among others, the crimes under which the name of the court in which he was
in jeopardy, and the date and place of such jeopardy)


WHEREFORE, in view of all the foregoing, it is respectfully prayed that the above-
entitled information be quashed, and the defendant be discharged.

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