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Drainage geocomposite

TECHDRAIN GTG 834 (33.10) is a high-density polyethylene (HDPE)

TRIPLANAR geonet with two Polypropylene (PP) geotextiles heat
laminated. The geonet is made with 3 strands, whose geometry create
channels with a high flow capacity, also under pressure and at very low
gradients. Techdrain has an excellent behavior when it works at higher


only one product.

MAIN USES: Landfill cappings, new landfills, water reservoirs, horizontal

drainage in embankments and platforms of roads, railways, trams and
other trafficked areas, retaining structures, bridges, foundations,
basements, canals, cut-and-cover tunnels, tunnels and other

Characteristics Value Unit Qualifier Standard

Tri-planar geonet
Polymer High-density polyethylene ( HDPE )
Carbon black 2-3 % Range ASTM D 4218
Density 0.94 g / cm Min ASTM D1505
Thickness 330 (8.4) mil (mm) MAV ASTM D 5199
Transmissivity(2) MD 9.0 x 10-3 m² / sec(3) MARV ASTM D 4716
Tensile Strength MD 91.4 (16.0) lb / in (kN / m) MARV ASTM D 5035
Polymer Polypropylene ( PP )
Mass per unit area 10 (340) oz / yd² (g / m²) MARV ASTM D 5261
Grab strength 270 (1200) lbs (N) MARV ASTM D 4632
Grab elongation 50 % MARV ASTM D 4632
Tear strength 100 (450) lbs (N) MARV ASTM D 4533
CBR Puncture 735 (3.3) lbs (kN) MARV ASTM D 6241
Water flow rate 75 (3055) gpm / ft² (l / m²·min) MARV ASTM D 4491
Permittivity 1,0 sec MARV ASTM D 4491
AOS 100 (150) US Sieve (µm) MaxARV ASTM D 4751
UV resistance after 500 hours 70 %retained -- ASTM D 4355
Drainage geocomposite
Ply adhesion MD 1 (178) lb / in (g/ cm) MAX ASTM D 7005
(2) -3 (3)
Transmissivity MD 3.0 x 10 m² / sec MARV ASTM D 4716

- Standard roll format is 11.18ft wide (3.6 m).
- Has to be covered within 14 days after installation.
(1) Geonet and geotextile properties listed are prior to lamination.
(2) Transmissivity measured using water at 21 ± 2º with a gradient of 0.1 and a confining pressure of 10,000 psf (480 kPa) between stainless
steel plates after 15 minutes. Values may vary between individual labs.
(3) 10-3 m2 / s = l / m·s

- MARV = Minimun Average Roll Value
January 2019

- MAV = Minimum Average Value

- MAX = Maximum Value
- Min = Minimum Value
- MaxARV = Maximum Average Roll Value
- MD = Machine direction (longitudinal)
These specifications are average values based on our present state of knowledge.
INTERMAS declines any responsibility due to their use in projects or civil works and hands them for informative purposes only

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