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Don Quixote decides to become a knight errant because he has been so engrossed in reading chivalric

stories. His escapades take off in a variety of amazing ways when he is with Sancho Panza, his devoted
squire. Quixote's wanderlust frequently gets him into trouble; he tilts at windmills, more

The humor in Don Quixote is similar to that of Nacho Libre, and it has a peculiar fusion of fantasy and
reality that I can only liken to Galaxy Quest. I loved it. This. Book. I was taken aback by how humorous
that was. Like the kind of outrageously amusing violence and vulgar potty comedy that the Three
Stooges would enjoy. For instance,Don Quixote does something so absurd that I can no longer tolerate
him, but after he gets beaten senseless, I felt bad for him and began to enjoy him again—until, of
course, he does something equally absurd. Because it manages to be amusing each time, it actually
takes some time to grow tired of that cycle. Don Quixote had already begun to evolve and change by the
time I had had enough of it. The narrative has depth since it is tragic as well (but even the tragedy
manages to be kind of funny).

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