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I´m Jhescel Ann Padilla today Saturday,August 29 ,2020 I´m writing an essay about My
decision I remembered I was depressed and also I have asthma I was thingking of either I will fight my
depression or I will just let myself be consumed by it.I've decided to become stronger person and I have
want to overcome the negative thoughts that keeps runnin on my head and haunting me everyday and
curing my asthma piece by piece at the same time.I chose this decision because it can make me more
stronger and brave so I can face all my fears.It made me realize that enjoy life and forgive those who
made a sin that hurt you I adopt that being forgivable because anytime God can sent us us in
heaven.When the time that I was facing all my fears I almost give up but I prayed to God and I told him
to guide me I never felt better like that before I feel I´m not alone facing all my fears and my problems I
can fight cause that would make me Stronger because I realized we don´t need to waste our precious time
running away and hiding to those problems that haunting us we can face it with God who guide us
always.THANK YOU!

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