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What is a Toon?
A Toon (cartoon character) is an animated creature that can exist outside of its
rhelm & interact with the real world. All Toons originate from the Astral Plane,
which allows them to alter reality with the power of their minds.
What do Toons look like?
Most Toons tend to have exaggerated & anthropomorphic appearances based on
real animals or objects. Some can even appear as extraterrestrial creatures,
mythical beings, or abstract characters. Their bodies can range from being grossly
caricatured with odd physical features (e.g., four-fingered hands, bulbous feet,
floating eyes & eyebrows, etc.) to being extremely realistic.
What are Toons like?
Despite holding immense power from the Astral Plane, most Toons seem to only
want to entertain humans with stories. They almost always become some form of
entertainer such as actors, musicians, directors, & writers. However, this is not
always the case. Sometimes Toons take on more serious professions such as
doctors, lawyers, scientists, & politicians (though it is hard for these types of
Toons to gain respect or to be taken seriously by humans).
What can Toons do?
All Toons get their abilities from the power of imagination, because of this Toons
seem to have no limit to what they can accomplish. Their powers can include super
speed, super strength, regeneration, teleportation, infinite storage, shape shifting,
self-cloning, matter manipulation, 4th wall manipulation, etc., etc. Some toons can
also produce certain things to show their feelings & emotions (e.g., hearts,
explosions, steam, stars, or birds). This also works when Toons want to display
their thoughts or sentences. Comics strips & comic books are produced by
photographing Toons doing exactly this.
Can Toons die?
Toons are immortal…sort of. Toons cannot be harmed by any physical means
(especially from real world sources). They simply just reform from the damage or
just ignore it outright. Toons also never suffer from any illness or disease. If you
have ever seen a toon sick in anyway, it was because they were just acting. Apart
dying from unnatural ends, Toons never age. It is said that whenever certain
animated characters appear to age according to time, there exist different versions
of that character playing the part of that age, though this is not 100% a proven fact.
More of a theory. There are only 2 known ways to truly kill a Toon, each being
extremely taboo & gruesome to both humans & Toons alike. The 1st is with “DIP”
an extremely volatile liquid of unknown origin. The Toon is, as the name suggests,
dipped into the substance as it slowly melts with intense steam fuming from it.
Leaving nothing more than a few colors that made up the Toon’s body. The 2nd is
with a process called “FRAMING” which is where a Toon is subjected to intense
psionic energy. The Toon’s body then explodes into many 2-D frames. Each of
which can be easily shattered, causing the Toon to become beyond any sort of
repair. These 2 methods are rarely used & almost never talked about.
How are Toons made?
Toons enter our world through the Astral Plane, but more specifically they come
from the minds of their creators. While in the Astral Plane Toons can influence the
minds of humans to subconsciously create them. Afterwards the Toons quite
literally jump out of their medium & into the real world.
How do Toon’s view humans?
Toons treat humanity like their neighbors. Either they really love messing with
them or they love hanging out with them, but rarely do they ever wish them real
harm, & almost always do they want at least some respect from them. Toons treat
their creators a very different. They see them as their parents & will have
unconditional love for them no matter what.

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