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Cîrloban Dana Floriana

Anul 1 , Facultatea de Litere , specializarea Engleza-spaniola .

Homework – lexical and grammatical structures in diachrony


1.Revealed-make sth known to others

- , verb , participle mood,past tense,pasiv voice,3 rd person, sg .nr

Day –a period of twenty-four-hours.

- Complement, Common noun ,A case, sg. Nr

2. softer (voice) – weak ,low ,sensitive

- atribute,adjective,A case, sg . Nr

Boy(s) – the gender of a person

- Subject,common noun, N case , pl Nr

3.takes ( my hand) – grab ( my hand )

-predicate,verb, indicative mood, Activ voice, present tense,3 rd person, sg Nr

Hand- part of the body

- Complement,common noun, A case, sg Nr

4 . do ( you know ) – auxiliar verb,indicative mood, present tense simple ,3 rd person ,sg-pl nr .

This – demonstrative pronoun , A case ,pl Nr

To buy – when you exchange money with a product.

- Complement, verb, indicative mood, activ voice , infinitive tense , 1 st person , sg

Husky – a dog breed

- Complement, common noun , A case , sg Nr

5. lying- staying in a horizontal position .

Verb , present continuous, passive voice.

Could-auxiliar verb , past tense.

Irritable – attribute,adjective

Guests – persons who are invited somewhere

- noun, subject,3rd person, N case , pl Nr

Whetted ( have whetted ) – predicate , verb , present perfect simple , active voice


1.Season – seasonal ( derivational)

2 Starve – starved , starving (inflectional)

3. undertaker – undertakers ( inflectional)

4. camp – camping , camper ( derivational)

5.deer – deers (infectional)

6. hound-

7. fowl -

VI .

1. Friendly
2. Imaginative
3. Readable
4. Memorable
5. Suitable
6. Slippy
7. Geographical
8. Qualified
9. Amusing
10. Homeless
11. Reddish
12. Predictable
13. Encouraged
15. Influential

1.obey … ?

2. incurable

3. poisonous

4 .employee

5. untrustworthy

6. .. ?

7. honestly

8. unhelpful


10. unmistakably



13. unexpected
14. unconvincing

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