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# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.

# Telegram Desktop Patch (tested for version 2.8.6 beta Linux x86_64)
# Don't use it on different version, it may crash!
# Author: @ammarfaizi2, @Akiekano, @rLapz
# Usage:
# gdb Telegram < my_tgpatch.txt >> /dev/null 2>&1 &
# disown

# Set breakpoint at main

b *main

# Run the Telegram


# ---- Anti delete message (group and channel)

# jmp near +0x56
p *(short *)(_ZN3Api7Updates10feedUpdateERKN2tl5boxedI9MTPupdateEE+1021)=0x56eb

# ---- Anti delete message (private message)

# jmp near +0x17
p *(short *)(_ZN3Api7Updates10feedUpdateERKN2tl5boxedI9MTPupdateEE+1755)=0x17eb

# ---- Hide typing

# ret
p *(char *)_ZN3Api19SendProgressManager4sendERKNS0_3KeyEi=0xc3

# ---- Patch _lastWasOnline = 0

# xorl %ebp, %ebp
p *(short *)(_ZN3Api7Updates12updateOnlineElb+228)=0xed31

# ---- Patch self->onlineTill

# movl $0, %eax
p *(int *)(_ZN3Api7Updates12updateOnlineElb+1049)=0x000000b8
p *(char *)(_ZN3Api7Updates12updateOnlineElb+1053)=0x00

# ---- Patch updateIn

# movl $1000000, %r14d
# nop; nop; nop
p *(long *)(_ZN3Api7Updates12updateOnlineElb+230)=0x9090000f4240be41
p *(char *)(_ZN3Api7Updates12updateOnlineElb+238)=0x90

# ---- Patch updateIn (2)

# movl $1000000, %r14d
# nop; nop; nop
p *(long *)(_ZN3Api7Updates12updateOnlineElb+280)=0x9090000f4240be41
p *(char *)(_ZN3Api7Updates12updateOnlineElb+288)=0x90

# ---- Patch sendReadRequest

# ---- (when we read someone's message, don't let them know we read it)
# ret
p *(char

# -- Assume join
p ((int (*)(void *, size_t, int))mprotect)((void *)((unsigned long)
(_ZNK13HistoryWidget13isJoinChannelEv+9) & -4096ull), 4096ull << 2ull, 0x7)
p memcpy((void *)(_ZNK13HistoryWidget13isJoinChannelEv+9), "\xb8\x00\x00\x00\x00\
xc3", 6)

# Detach and close the GDB


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