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I think part of what made Yosemite so awe-inspiring was the breathless feeling of being so high up

(hovering above the landscape in the video) an old landscape so far removed from our everyday
humdrum at Akron. I believe it when people say this is good for your mental health because when
I’ve visited Greece I am filled with awe at even simple landscapes such as these and it’s a similar
feeling. I notice an immediate improvement in my mental health during these vacations, getting away
from the city (even to go to a different city) for a little while truly is refreshing. I think when you are
at home, going to school, shopping, to work, your world shrinks to the size of your tasks and it’s a
narrow, depressing mindset. Witnessing beautiful natural wonders reconnects you to the world and
“zooms out” your view.

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