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The Effectiveness of Using Make a Match Model on Student’s Motivation in

Vocabulary Mastery for XI Grade at SMA N 3 Batam

Mia Agusriani Putri

English Education Department

University of Riau Kepulauan


English is a tool to communicate orally and written. Communicate in English required good
vocabulary mastery. One of the difficulties student’s faced is the lack of vocabulary. Media can be a
way to improve the vocabulary in English. This research was aimed to find out the effectiveness
teaching using make a match model with media that is card to improve vocabulary mastery. The
design of this research which involves in qualitative data with case study approach. The subject of
this research are student’s of class XI in SMA N 3 Batam. Result of this study show that the teaching
using make a match model with media being effective.

Keywords: Media, Vocabulary, Effectiveness, Card

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