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An Analysis of Polygamy Triangle Love on Habiburrahman El Shirazy’s Novel

“Ayat-Ayat Cinta”

Mia Agusriani Putri

English Education Department

University of Riau Kepulauan


This research aimed to determine the causes of polygamy experienced by the main character of the
“Ayat-Ayat Cinta” novel with used theory have been raised by the expert. Sigmund Freud theory
about the personality structure is divided into three,namely: Das Es (the id), Das Ich (the ego), Das
Ueber Ich (the super ego). Personality theory Sigmund Freud can be connected with polygamy. The
purpose of this research was to analyze the causes of polygamy of the main character of “Ayat-Ayat
Cinta” novel. This research was used on the theory psychological approach. This research explained
the main character named Fahri who came from a simple family and college at the University al-
Azhar Egypt and married Aisyah by taaruf process. But,in climax of the novel Fahri must do
polygamy by marrying his bestfriend who names Maria. This is where the triangle love begins due to
poligamy. As a conclusion,based on novel through Sigmund Freud personality theory,the causes
polygamy of Fahri is caused his thankful to Maria for the conflict that was resolved by her. The
causes of Fahri do polygamy is related to the second aspect of Freud theory,that is Das Ich. In
marriage law,Fahri still do polygamy although in the end of the novel Maria passed away.

Keywords: Polygamy, Human, Personality

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