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Outline for Level 6 Project Part 1

Name of the subculture cyclists

Three details about your subculture

1. This activity produces an instant change in the way you see life and you begin to
think that your only pleasure is to go out on the road or to the mountain with the bicycle.

2. It is a sport that if you practice it, makes you get hooked on it more and more.
3. It is said that one of the first appearances of the bicycle was in 1817 in Germany and
was better known as the "fun horse" or also "running machine".

*Minimum 3 pros and 3 cons


1. Helps improve your fitness and create

A better Performance in every day.

2. It is a great way to get to know new

Places and a very fun way to travel.

3. You can make new friends when you go out on your friends.


1. If you go out alone, you can lose your bike due to insecurity.
2. When you go out you need to take care of yourself with the traffic on the roads to avoid
3. You can´t go out in the all kinds of weather.

Posible future of your subculture.

Over the years, the bicycle will become a means of transport and a physical activity. In order to make
that transition easier and to help understand cycling. (

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