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- tyrosine (tyrosine hydroxylase)
DRUGS AFFECTING THE dihydroxyphenylalanine/DOPA
AUTONOMIC NERVOUS SYSTEM (decarboxylase) dopamine
- rate-limiting step is hydroxylation of
Parts of the Nervous system tyrosine
1. Central nervous system 2. Uptake into vesicles
- brain, spinal cordc - dopamine enters vesicle (B-
2. Peripheral nervous sytem hydroxylase) norepinephrine
- neurons outside the brain and spinal cord - norepinephrine is protected from
degradation in vesicle
a. Somatic - reserpine inhibits transport into vesicle
• Voluntary 3. Release
• innervates skeletal muscles - Ca causes release of NE
b. Autonomic - guanethidine blocks NE release
• Involuntary 4. Binding to receptor
5. Removal
• innervates organs
b.1 Sympathetic - methylated by catechol O-
methytransferase (COMT)
b.2 Parasympathetic
- oxidized by monoamine oxidase
- recaptured/reuptake by neuron- inh. by
- urine metabolites: vanillylmandelic acid
(VMA), metanephrine, normetanephrine

Synthesis and Release of Acetylcholine

DIFFERENCES OF SOMATIC AND 1. synthesis of acetylcholine
AUTONOMIC NERVOUS SYSTEM - transport of choline inhibited by
SOMATIC AUTONOMIC 2. uptake into storage vesicles
Without ganglia With ganglia - protected from degradation
One neuron 2 neuron
Ach Ach/NE 3. release of neurotransmitter
Nicotinic Nicotinic/adrenergic/ - botulinum toxin- blocks release
muscarinic - spider venom- promotes release
Skeletal muscle all
voluntary involuntary 4. binding to receptor
5. degradation by acetylcholinesterase
Ach acetate + choline
6. recycling of choline
Pre-ganglionic- Preganglionic-long
thoracolumbar craniosacral
Nicotinic/ Nicotinic/muscarinic
1:20 1:1

Synthesis and Release of Norepinephrine

Male Ejaculation Erection
Uterus Relaxation- β2 Contraction




Sympathetic/ Parasympatheti
Adrenergic c/ Cholinergic
‘Fight or flight’ ‘Rest and digest’
system system
- dominant - dominant
during stressful during tranquil
situations conditions
Ganglion Acetylcholine- Acetylcholine-
nicotinic nicotinic receptor
Target Norepinephrine- Ach- muscarinic
organ adrenergic receptor
receptor (α,β)

Pupils Pupil dilates Pupil constricts

(mydriasis) (miosis)
Lacrimal tearing
Salivary Thick, viscid Copious, watery
glands secretions saliva
Trachea bronchodilates- Bronchoconstrict
and β2 s,
Bronchiole inc. secretions
s (Lungs)
Heart Inc. HR/ Dec. HR/
tachycardia bradycardia
(chronotropic) Dec. contractility
Inc. contractility
(inotropic)- β1
Blood Skeletal
vessels muscle-
Skin, mucus
resistance HT
GIT Dec. motility Inc. motility
constipation diarrhea
Bladder Bladder relaxes, Bladder
Sphincter contracts,
closes urinary sphincter
retention- α1 opens
- congestive heart failure
DOPAMINE RECEPTORS - renal failure to increase blood flow-
dopamine receptors- dilation of renal

Low dose : dopamine receptors

Moderate dose : β-receptors
High dose : α-receptors

Direct acting selective

Alpha agonists
α1- agonists
1. Phenylephrine (Neo-Synephrine, Dimetapp)
- nasal decongestant, shock, mydriatic

2. Phenylpropanolamine
(Neozep, Decolgen, Tuseran, Disudrin,
ANS DRUG CLASSIFICATION Sinutab), Pseudoephedrine (Sudafed)
1. Symphatomimetics - nasal decongestant
3. Methoxamine
2. Symphatolytics - hypotension
3. Parasyphatomimetics α2- agonists
4. Parasymphatolytics - clonidine (Catapres)
methyldopa (Aldomet)
- tx of HTN- dec. NE release
Adrenergic Agonists/
Beta agonists
Sympathomimetics a. β1 agonists
Phenylethylamine -dobutamine (Dobutrex)
- parent compound -congestive heart failure
- benzene + ethylamine S/E: tachycardia, arrhythmia
Cathecholamines b.β2 agonists
- contain OH at 3, 4 (catechol ring) - albuterol/ salbutamol (Ventolin)
- epinephrine, norepinephrine, Terbutaline (Bricanyl), metaproterenol
isoproterenol, dobutamine, dopamine - asthma
- maximal a, B activity - terbutaline- premature labor/ tocolytic –
- rapid inactivation by COMT in the dec. uterine contraction
intestines- cannot be given orally S/E: stimulates B1 at high doses:
- polar- poor CNS penetration palpitations, tremors
Non-cathecholamines c. β1 and β2 agonists
- absence of one or both OH in 3,4 - isoproterenol
- phenylephrine, ephedrine, amphetamine - cardiac arrest, asthma (rare)
- longer duration of action since it is not S/E: HTN, palpitations, arrhythmia
activated by COMT
- can be given orally Indirect-acting
- good CNS penetration - promotes NE release
1. Tyramine
C. Substitution on the alpha carbon - red wine, beer, cheese, chocolates
- methylation blocks oxidation by MAO - can cause HTN in patients taking MAO
- ephedrine, amphetamine inhibitors (depression)
- may promote NE release- indirect-acting
activity 2. Amphetamines
- attention deficit hypereactivity disorder
D. Substitutions on the beta carbon (ADHD), appetite suppression
- OH- direct-acting activity S/E: HTN, tachycardia, dependence,
insomnia, seizures psychosis
Direct acting Non- selective
- directly bind to the receptor Mixed = Direct and Indirect Agonists
α, β agonists 1. Ephedrine
a. epinephrine/ adrenaline - alkaloid from ma huang (Ephedra
- anaphylaxis (bronchodilator) sinica)
- cardiac arrest - urinary incontinence, bronchospasm,
- local anesthetics hypotension, nasal congestion,
eg. lidocaine (1:100,000)- prolongs narcolepsy
effect S/E: HTN, tachycardia, arrhythmia,
S/E: HTN, arrhythmia, MI, insomnia
pulmonary edema/hemorrhage 3. Metaraminol
b. Norepinephrine (Levophed) - hypotension
- shock/ hypotension-
inc. HR, contractility; vasoconstriction
inc. BP
c. Dopamine (Docard)
- shock/ hypotension
- propranolol- migraine, stage fright,
- timolol- glaucoma
- S/E: bradycardia, heart block,
bronchospasm in patients with
Brochoconstriction- contraindicated for
2. Selective blockers
- metoprolol, atenolol, esmolol,
- also blocks B2 receptors at high doses
4. Combined alpha and beta blockers
- Labetalol, carvedilol
5. With partial agonist activity/
intrinsic symphatomimetic activity
- Pindolol, acebutolol
- Cause some bronchodilation
- For treating patients with asthma

Adrenergic antagonist/ blockers

Direct acting
- directly blocks receptors
1. α1 blockers
- prazosin, doxasozin, terazosin DIRECT-ACTING CHOLINERGIC AGONISTS
- HTN- dec. vasoconstriction-
dec. resistance dec. BP A. Choline esters
- benign prostatic hyperplasia-prevents - Ach hydrolyzed by Achase
urinary retention - Bethanechol, Carbachol are resistant
S/E: orthostatic hypotension especially to Achase; carbamic acid esters
after the first dose - β-methyl group in methacholine,
2. α2 blocker bethanechol reduces nicotinic activity
- yohimbine
- impotence- penile injection 1. Acetylcholine
3. α1, α2 blockers
a. phenoxybenzamine - no clinical use because of widespread
effects and rapidly hydrolyzed by
- irreversible, long-acting Achase
- HTN due to pheochromocytoma - S/E: DUMBELS
(adrenal medulla tumor epinephrine 2. Bethanechol (Urecholine)
release) - inc. intestinal motility after surgery
S/E: postural hypotension (bowel)
b. phentolamine - urinary retention (bladder)
- reversible, short-acting - “BBB”
- pheochromocytoma induced HTN -S/E: DUMBELS
S/E: postural hypotension 3. Carbachol
- glaucoma
Beta blockers 4. Methacholine
1. Nonselective blockers - diagnosis of asthma
- propranolol, timolol, nadolol B. Alkaloids
- used for HTN, post-MI, angina - pilocarpine, arecoline- tertiary amines; well
pectoris, SVT, absorbed
heart failure - muscarine- quaternary amine; less absorbed
1. Pilocarpine
- alkaloid from Pilocarpus sp. - promotes release of acetylcholine
- glaucoma- miosis, drains aqueous
dec. ocular pressure
S/E: enter CNS- hallucinations,
seizures; DUMBELS

2. Arecoline
- from betel nut (Areca catechu)
3. Muscarine
- from mushroom Amanita muscaria


1. organic derivatives of phosphoric acid

2. carbamic acid esters of alcohols bearing
quaternary or tertiary ammonium groups
(carbamate insecticides, neostigmine,
physostigmine, pyridostigmine)
3. simple alcohols bearing a quaternary PARASYMPHATOLYTICS
ammonium group (edrophonium) CHOLINERGIC ANTAGONISTS/ BLOCKERS
A. Organophosphates 1. Muscarinic blockers
- irreversibly inhibit Achase due to - atropine, scopolamine- esters of tropic acid
covalent binding and organic base tropine or scopine.
- lipid soluble, well absorbed, good CNS - scopine have an oxygen bridge between
penetration except for echothiophate carbon 6 and 7
(quaternary amine) - homatropine is a semisynthetic compound
a. isofluorophate, echothiophate- glaucoma produced by combining tropine with mandelic
b. malathion, parathion- pesticides; converted to acid
the active malaoxon, paraoxon
c. tabun, sarin, soman- chemical warfare/ ‘nerve a. Atropine
gas’ - aka hyoscyamine
- S/E: DUMBELS - prototype
- Antidote: - alkaloid from deadly nightshade
1. pralidoxime- reactivates (Atropa belladonna) and jimsonweed
Achase by removing OP; should (Datura stramonium)
be given before Achase loses Belladonna/pretty lady- dilated pupils
one of its alkyl groups (aging)
2. atropine- anticholinergic/ effects: reverse of DUMBLS:
muscarinic blocker Constipation
Urinary retention
B. Carbamates Mydriasis, paralysis of accommodation
- physostigmine, insecticides- tertiary (cycloplegia) blurring of vision
amine; more lipid soluble; well absorbed Bronchodilation, tachycardia
- neostigmine- quaternary amine; poorly Dry mouth, dec. sweating
absorbed hallucinations
1. Physostigmine Mnemonics:
- aka eserine hallucinations- ‘mad as a hatter’
- alkaloid from Calabar bean/ordeal blurring of vision- ‘blind as a bat’,
bean Physostigma venenosum glaucoma
- intestinal and bowel atony, glaucoma dry mouth- ‘dry as a bone’
- antidote for anticholinergic poisoning- tachycardia, cutaneous vasodilation/
atropine, phenothiazine, tricyclic flushing- ‘red as a beet’
antidepressant dec. sweating- ‘hot as hare’
2. Neostigmine (Prostigmin)
– treatment of myasthenia gravis Uses:
(autoimmune- destroys nicotinic 1. Ophthalmoscopic examination-
receptors weakness, ptosis) mydriasis (contraindicated for patients
– antidote for tubocurarine poisoning- with glaucoma)
neuromuscular/nicotinic blocker 2. Organophosphate poisoning
4. Pyridostigmine (Mestinon) 3. Bradycardia
- tx of myasthenia gravis
5. Carbamate insecticides S/E: constipation, urinary retention etc…
- carbaryl, methylcarbamate (Baygon)
C. Quaternary amine b. Scopolamine (Buscopan, Transderm-Scop)
- aka hyoscine
1. Edrophonium (Tensilon) - alkaloid from henbane (Hyoscyamus
- diagnosis of MG (Tensilon test- niger)
inc. strength, dec. ptosis) - prevent motion sickness- transdermal
*Spider venom patch
-S/E: constipation, urinary retention…
c. Homatropine (Isopto Homatropine),
Cyclopentolate (Cyclogyl), Tropicamide Parasympathetic Ganglion blocked
(Mydriacyl) dominant
- ophthalmoscopic examination Heart- bradycardia Tachycardia
d. Ipratropium (Atrovent) Eye- miosis Mydriasis
- quaternary amine- more peripheral GIT- inc. motility Dec. motility
effect (lungs), Bladder- urination Retention
less CNS effects
- asthma
Sympathetic Ganglion blocked
e. Pirenzepine dominant
- peptic ulcer Arterioles- Vasodilation
f. Benztropine (Cogentin), Trihexyphenidyl Sweat glands- inc. Dec. sweating
(Artane), Biperiden (Akineton) sweating
- Parkinson’s disease
Other drugs that block muscarinic Botulinum toxin (BOTOX)
receptors: - from Clostridium botulinum
1. antihistamines - blocks release of acetylcholine
2. antipychotics - wrinkle treatment, blepharospasm,
3. tricyclic antidepressants
- ‘floppy baby’ syndrome- honey-fed
S/E: constipation, urinary retention etc…
2. Neuromuscular blockers/ Skeletal Muscle
- block nicotinic receptors in muscles
- resembles acetylcholine:
succinylcholine- 2 Ach
pancuronium- 2 Ach fragments
- 2 quaternary nitrogens- prevents entry
to the CNS
a. Nondepolarizing
- tubocurarine from Curare (Strychnos
sp.) used as arrow poison in South
- pancuronium, atracurium, vecuronium
- facilitates intubation for mechanical
ventilation, muscle relaxant during
- S/E: brochoconstriction, hypotension
due to histamine release; respiratory
- Antidote: neostigmine
b. Depolarizing
- succinylcholine
- depolarizes (transient fasciculations)
repolarizes (flaccid paralysis)
- facilitates intubation for mechanical
ventilation, muscle relaxant during
- S/E: bronchoconstriction (due to
histamine release), hypotension,
respiratory depression, arrhythmia,
malignant hyperthermia (fever, muscle

Antidote: dantrolene-
Block Ca release dec. Muscle
3. Ganglionic blockers
a. Hexamethonium, mecamylamine,
- block ganglia without prior stimulation
- hypertension- rarely used due to lack
of selectivity
b. Nicotine
- initially stimulate then block ganglia
- tobacco, cigarettes (Nicotiana
tabacum) dependence
- patch, gum (Nicorette), nasal spray-
smoking cessation, prevents nicotine
c. Lobeline
- from Indian tobacco (Lobelia inflata)

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