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@e | ~Y7 ROUNDERS ROUNDERS ENGLAND SIMPLIFIED RULES ENGLAND + Gomes are played between twa teams. Each team has a maximum of 15 and @ minimum of 4 players. No more than 9 players may be on the field at cny one time + Ifarixed team—there should be no more than § male players + Uist of players ond substitutes should be submitted to the Umpire prior to play + Games cre usually piayed over 2 innings + Players once substituted may retuin during the gome, but batters only in the pesition of their original number + Wait in the backward area well away from 4th post + Ifout, wail in the backward area well away from Ist post + Enler the batting square when called fo do so by the Umpire + You will have one good ball bowled to you + Batter can use 2 hands + You can take ano ball and score in the usual way, bul once you reach Ist post you cannot return, You cannot be caught out orsiumped out at Ist post on ano ball (GED) = roe rons + Ballis above head or below knee + Ball bounces on way to you + Wide or straight at body + The Bowlers foot is outside the squore during the bowling action BS AEGIEY\ —~ 1600 00 ot post you must keep contact with the post, wih hand or Bat. you dont the feng side con ( Ce stump the following post to put you aut ue + You can run on to 0 post even ft has been previously stumped (you don? core f the post immediately EY ‘onead has been siumed! + When the bowornas the Ballin he bowling squore you connt move on, but you ere between posts you con + You cannothave hwo alten ala post. The Unpre wil okthe ll oun on when the second one makes contact Ale pott you donot nave to move on for every bai bowted + Gros in contact wtn tne pos you may tum the comer over the 2 meta ine. Ifyou tum the comer cing @ Tun and there iso contact wih the pos you wil be deemed fo have tured the comer and must un on + You-con move on os 100n cs the bal leaves the Bower shad, incling no bas, {You must Touch ain poston geting home + 1 Rounderif ball hit and 4th post is eaached and touched before next balls bowied + 1 Rounderif balls hit and 4th post is reached on a no bal [you can't be caught out on ano ball) + % Rounder if ath post reached without hitting the ball + % Rounder if balls hit and 2nd or 3rd post reached and touched before next balls bowied - but if you continue this run and are put out before reaching 4th post, the score willbe forfeited + Penalty 4 Rounder for an obstruction by a fielder + Penalty % rounder for 2 consecutive no balls fo some batter +1 Rounder fora backward hit if ath post reached [you stay at Ist while ball isin the backward area) +The team with the highest number of Rounders wins + Penally % rounder Io fielding leom if waiting batters or batters out obstruct a fielder + Caught + Foot over front/back line of batting square before hitting or missing « ball + Running inside post (unless obstructed) R + The post you are running to is stumped + You overtake another batter on the track + You obstruct (you have right of way on track ony) + Deliberately throw or drop bet + Side out + Ifordered fo make and maintain contact with the post and refuse to do so + You lose contact with the post + When the bowler has the ball ond isin the square [except on an overrun} * During the bowlers action bul before they release the ball

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