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ACTIVITY 3: Critical Essay 1 (20 points)

Watch the PowerPoint Presentation/ Lecture Video on:

1. Rizal’s annotations to Morga’s Sucesos de las islas Filipinas.

Sucesos de las Islas Filipinas

Rizal’s annotation of Antonio de Morga’s Sucessos de las Islas Filipinas has shown the
importance of critically analyzing sources of information from which we base our beliefs and
opinions. Your task is to identify and concisely explain how information/misinformation and
disinformation (through various sources) is used to serve the interest of the leaders, at the
expense of those subjects who are ruled. Cite concrete and current examples if necessary.
(15 points)

Vulnerabilities caused by modern technologies are frequently criticized. The same feelings we
currently experience because of information overload are also present in the future of truths.
Social networks spread information across many media thanks to technologies that made it
accessible. As a result, information is frequently misunderstood based on perception and
tenacity. One element that leaders employ to sway public opinion is patriotism. The
opposition frequently interprets sensitive topics, such as those involving border disputes or
foreign policy, as convenient evaluation criteria. To eliminate the potential hazards posed by
the problems, they invoke protective frames and inquire about the identities of the subjects.
One illustration is how people view terrorism in the world. The best example is the propaganda
that portrays Muslim communities as constituting factions engaged in terrorism. When
affected by power, the media portrays the desires of the rulers as monsters and patriots. They
maintain the ends in separate layers for nefarious manipulations. Since they are the individual
units of power, sucky political inheritors' ultimate goal is to gather public opinion.

2. History is predominantly about facts. But it is also largely a matter of perception and
interpretation, specially in the appraisal of native culture and values, as well as in the
justification of historical events. Thus, a history of the Philippines, constructed by Spanish or
even American historians would contain marked differences compared to a history written by
Filipino authors. In this context, Rizal’s annotation of Antonio Morga’s Sucesos de las Islas
Filipinas is of special significance.

☞ Enumerate and explain not only the historical but also the political importance of
Rizal’s attempt to write a history of the Filipino people from the perspective of a native
Filipino through the above work. (15 pts)

Even though his life was short, it was full of endeavors aimed at strengthening the country.
The young thinker relentlessly urged all of his fellow citizens, Spanish and Filipino, to dedicate
themselves to the common good. He opposed injustice, named the corrupt, attacked the
self-centered, and exposed the corrupt. At the same time, Rizal toiled tirelessly to give the
Filipinos tangible proof of their worth as a national populace. Most of Rizal's writings were
based on his research of the languages of the Philippine archipelago as well as its history,
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culture, and social structure. His plays, novels, and the majority of his poetry all aim to
confront the issues facing the country and provide solutions. The sacrifice of Rizal's entire
existence in this place stands out as the fruit of his lifelong crusade against the wrongs that
have hurt the Filipino people. As we've seen, the patriot focused his efforts on preserving that
peoples' honor and history, particularly in the face of colonial masters who wanted to rob his
fellow Filipinos of their own identity. If one must die, at least let him die in his country, for the
good of his country, and on behalf of his nation, as Rizal eloquently expressed in another of
his renowned letters: "If one must die, at least let him die in his country, for the good of his
country, and on behalf of his country." Therefore, it should come as no surprise that Rizal is still
referred to as the "Father of the Philippine Homeland'' and "Saint José Rizal" by followers of
the Filipino Independent Church.

15 point rubric essay I

Content and composition

(3-6) (7-14) (15)

Wanting in coherence/ General idea is correct and General idea is correct and clearly
Contains incorrect clearly discussed and with discussed, well-argued, and supported
information/ Main limited reference to the text with relevant particularities as well as
thought is missing or textual references
Few flaws on the argument.
Impressive, original, or extended insights
Presence of few grammatical
No defended argument,
and compositional errors. Narrative thought flows smoothly between
simply presented an
sentences/ paragraphs. Arguments are
organized report of data
comprehensively discussed
Sentence construction
and paragraph
organization muddies
content presentation

Promptness - 5 points

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