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Adv. No._________________




Filing # 113863028 Case 20-22398-MAM Doc 36-3 Filed 12/18/20
E-Filed 09/23/2020 04:36:17 PM Page 9 of 249



CASE NO. 502016A009292-XXXXMB (AH)


Plain tiff,







"SCHNEIDERS"), pro se litigants, hereby file their Notice of Filing Hearing Transcript on

Plaintiffs Motion To Compel Compliance With The Court's June 23 rd Order, dated August 20,

2020., attached.


17685 Circle Pond Court
Boca Raton, FL 33496
Tel : 561 -322-5103
E mail:
Jordyn.schneider I

DE 598
Case 20-22398-MAM Doc 36-3 Filed 12/18/20 Page 10 of 249


I HEREBY CERTIFY that a true and correct copy of the foregoing has been
served via the Florids Court's E-filing Portal Automatic Email Service pursuant
to Florida Rule of Judicial Administration 2.516, on trus Zl3 day of
September, 2020, to Aleksandra Novakovich Gonzalez, Esq.,
(, Sachs, Sax Caplan, Attorneys for The Oaks at
Boca Raton POA, Inc., 6111 Broken Sound Parkway, N. W, #200, Boca Raton, FL
33487; Geoffrey M. Cahen, Esq. ( Cahen Law, P.A., 1900
Glades Road, Suite 270, Boca Raton, Florida 33431; and John W. Keller, Ill,
(, Keller & Mesa, LLP, Attorneys for First American
Bank, 121 Majorca Avenue, #200, Coral Gables, FL 33134.

<=:: -=

Laurence Schneider, Pro Se ==--

Case 20-22398-MAM Doc 36-3 Filed 12/18/20 Page 11 of 249 3
1 (Thereupon, the following proceedings
3 THE COURT: Good morning .
4 CASE NO.: 502016-CA-009292 4 MR. KELLER, III: Good morning, your
5 DIVISION AH 5 Honor. John Keller of Keller & Mesa on behalf

6 6 of First American Bank.

7 successor by merger to Bank of 7
Coral Gables, LLC, 8 Schneider on behalf of myself.
Plaintiff, 9 THE COURT: And for the court reporter,
v. 10 if at any time you ' re having any difficulty
10 hearing any of the participants, please
11 STEPHANIE L . SCHNEIDER, et al., 12 interrupt.
12 Defendants. 13 THE COURT REPORTER: I will. Thank you,

13 -------------------------------' 14 your Honor.

15 THE COURT: You're welcome.
Remote Audio-Video Communication 16 The hearing is o n First American Bank's
15 Pursuant to Supreme Court of Florida
Adm i nistrative Order No. AOSC20-23 17 motion to compel compliance with the Court"s
Thursday, August 20, 2020 18 June 23rd order.
17 19 MR. KELLER, III: If I may, your Honor.
8:30 a.m . - 9:20 a.m.
18 20 THE COURT: Yes, you may. Thank you.

19 21 MR. KELLER, III: Judge, first I need to

20 The above-entitled cause came on for 22 note for the record that only Lawrence Schneider
21 hearing before the Honorable Judge Lisa Small, 23 has made an appearance. There are two
22 reported by Paula D. Pace, RPR, Notary Public for
23 the State of Florida at Large. 24 defendants pro se in this case, Laurence
25 25 Schneider and Stephanie Schneider. Am I
2 4
1 correct, Mr. Schneider, that Stephanie Schneider
ON BEHALF OF THE PLAINTIFF: 2 is not appearing today?
3 KELLER & MESA, LLP 3 MR. SCHNEIDER: She is supposed to.
121 Majorca Avenue, #200 4 She ' s in Indiana taking my son to school, but
4 Coral Gables, Florida 33134
5 she's not on the call. I -- I'm here, so, yeah,
BY: John W. Keller, III, Esquire
5 6 I don't th i nk she entered an appearance, I think
ON BEHALF OF THE DEFENDANT: 7 by default, but honestly I'm still new with all
8 this, so let' s just continue on . I don't know
La rry@saca pita I
7 17685 Circle Pond Court 9 the answer to that legally.
Boca Raton, Florida 33486 10 THE COURT: Mr. Schneider, you're
8 BY: Laurence S. Schneider, Pro Se 11 representing yourself right now?
12 MR. SCHNEIDER: Right.
9 Also Present: Brenda Gleason, JA .
10 13 THE COURT: And your wife,
11 14 Mrs. Schnelder, is representing herself as well,
15 so today's hearing was properly noticed and you
14 16 are present so you may represent yourself during
15 17 the hearing, but not your wife .
16 18 Mr. Keller, you may proceed.
19 MR. KELLER, III: Thank you, your Honor.
19 20 Judge, as a preliminary matter, the property was
20 21 foreclosed and the certificate of title has been
21 22 issued now to First American Bank. And may I
23 ask your Honor If your division is currently
24 24 conducting writs of possession?
25 25 THE COURT: Is issuing wr i ts of
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5 7
1 possession? 1 participated i n the prior two-day evidentiary
2 MR. KELLER, III: Yes, issuing orders 2 hearing.
3 for writs of possession. 3 And in addition, we confirmed that all
4 THE COURT: Yes. 4 the billing invoices have been p r ovided to
5 MR. KELLER, III: Okay, thank you. 5 defendant's counsel and had been filed with the
6 Judge, we're -- 6 Court and they're available off the Court's
7 THE COURT: Let me just, there are 7 docket as well.
8 certain exceptions, but the answer is yes, 8 By August 5th the Schneiders were
9 right. 9 required to provide us with line-by-line
10 MR. KELLER, III: And I understand we 10 objections pursuant to your order, as well as
11 still have to file a motion. I just wanted to 11 the identity of their expert. They have not
12 make sure there wasn't a blanket cessation of 12 done so.
13 writs of possession. 13 And today was the day that your Honor
14 THE COURT: No, we're followi ng the 14 set for us conducting -- it's not really a
15 administrative orders of the Florida Supreme 15 mediation, but it's the meeting to require the
16 Court and we're also following the other 16 experts, counsel for the parties and the parties
17 legislation as it relates to residential 17 in order to streamline, if you will, the
18 evictions. So there are, you know, there are 18 evidentiary hearing. And so that was to occur
19 exceptions of course. 19 today. No arrangements could be made to do that
20 MR. KELLER, III: Understood. 20 today because the defendant's failures to comply
21 THE COURT: But there's no blanket 21 with your Honor's order prevents us from
22 prohibition. 22 discussing their specific objection, prevents us
23 MR. KELLER, III: Thank you, your Honor. 23 from jointly preparing and submitting the report
24 Judge, your order dated June 23rd set deadlines 24 by August 31st, which was also required by the
25 preliminary to us participating in an 25 Court order and there's no ability to narrow the
6 8
1 evidentiary hearing on First American Bank' s 1 issues.
2 motions for fees, costs and expenses. And at 2 So, Judge, we're asking that you please
3 the time that order was entered, the Schneiders 3 enter an order today that requires them to
4 were represented by counsel. The order set 4 comply with Your honor's order again and to
5 deadlines and the deadline required First 5 provide the line item objections and the experts
6 American Bank to have provided the identity of 6 by August 26th, that if they're compliant with
7 our expert as well as the provision of all of 7 that, that we conduct the meeting required by
8 our billing invoices to the Schneiders and we 8 September 2nd and that the joint report be
9 did that before their counsel withdrew. 9 required by September 10th. Failing which, if
10 We further discussed with Attorney 10 they don't comply with any one of these stages,
11 Wyman, representing the Schneiders, on July 2nd 11 that the sanctions that you iterated in your
12 the need for compliance with the deadlines. He 12 initial order take place to where their
13 affirmed that he was aware of those deadlines 13 objections will be barred to the billing
14 and that the efforts were being made to comply 14 statements, they will not be allowed to call
15 with them. 15 witnesses and they will not be able to submit
16 On July 15th, your Honor granted the 16 exhibit. And that concludes my discussion.
17 Schneiders' counsel's motions to withdraw and 17 THE COURT: Mr. Schneider, you may
18 the lawyers representing the Schneiders and 18 respond.
19 their law firms were excused from the 19 MR. SCHNEIDER: Okay. So I don't even
20 r epresentation and granted leave to withdr aw. 20 understand a couple of the things that Mr.
21 Again on July 16th, Judge, we provided 21 Keller was asking for. I did understand that my
22 the identification of First American Bank' s 22 attorneys withdrew and I was present at that
23 expert, Scott Hawkins. And that' s not news 23 hearing. And actually I had an e-mail from Mr.
24 because as you know, Scott Hawkins has been the 24 Wyman a few weeks before that, telling us that,
25 expert witness on fees in this case and 25 you know, that the foreclosure is on August 3rd
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9 11
1 unless it gets extended by the developer. So as 1 expenses on the calendar period September 14th
2 you know, you allowed them to withdraw on 2 to October 9th.
3 July 15th and, not being an attorney and trying 3 In this June 23, 2020 order it sets
4 to make heads or toes of this, we were relieved 4 forth what each party is supposed to do as it
5 that we had a little more time to try to get all 5 relates to preparation for the attorney's fee
6 of this together. And like we said, we were 6 hearing that will be conducted during that
7 surprised that this went to sale, based on Mr. 7 period of time, September 14th to October 9th.
8 Wyman's prior e- mail before he withdrew. 8 So for example, first step was for the
9 They had done, both Wyman and Rodman had 9 Plaintiff First American Bank to produce the
10 done all the prior work on this. I'm not 10 billing worksheets that they are seeking time
11 familiar with the sanctions part and basically 11 for, okay. And then the next step -- and also
12 we're trying to f i gure out just exactly what 12 disclosing -- well, then the next step is for
13 we' re supposed to do, not even, I mean, I'm 13 the responding party to set forth specific
14 trying to get an attorney and quite honestly 14 objections to the time entries and so on.
15 I've spoken to a few attorneys and they actually 15 It's a detailed order, two pages in
16 advised me that former counsel had been 16 content, that sets forth the deadlines. Where
17 threatened with sanctions a few times. 17 we are right now is that your, the nonmoving
18 I actually just found that former 18 party, the party objecting to the fees, you're
19 attorney for Keller &. Bolz, Henry Bolz, filed a 19 required to provide line item legal objections
20 bar complaint against another attorney that I 20 to the extent you have objections to the fees.
21 had in the federal case. And quite frankly, the 21 So that's what needs to be done. And
22 few people I spoke to, I'm getting some 22 then you also, If you're going to be retaining
23 information to understand, but no one yet Is 23 an expert to oppose the fees, then you need to
24 willing to even step into this case. And again, 24 disclose who that is.
25 you know, it's obviously been chaotic at my 25 So I'm going to -- and I understand you
10 12
1 house because all of this came as a surprise. 1 are attempting to obtain an attorney. I note
2 Especially the sale. 2 that your former attorney Mr. Wyman, he filed
3 So we're just in total free fall here 3 his motion to withdraw on July 7th and then we
4 and I don't understand what's even to do. I 4 had the hearing on July 15th when the withdrawal
S wasn't pro se during all of the first attorney 5 occurred. So we're now one month from that
6 hearings, but I was advised that -- well, and I 6 time, it's now August 20th -- well, we're less
7 attended the trial, that Attorney Bolz had filed 7 than a month out until when you can be called
8 several notices of unavailability and he was 8 for the fee hearing.
9 going to be out of the country. That actually 9 This Is what I 'm going to do. I'm
10 wasn't - - you didn't recall -- 10 extending the time -- now you need to get a copy
11 THE COURT: Mr. Schneider - - 11 of, if you don't have your file, but you need to
12 MS. GLEASON: Your Honor, we're over 12 get a copy of the June 23, 2020 order that tells
13 time. 13 you what to do to prepare for the fee hearing.
14 THE COURT: I understand. 14 That's number one.
15 MR. SCHNEIDER: I don't understand what 15 You'll have an extension of time to
16 I ' m supposed to do. 16 provide your objections. And it's not just, I
17 THE COURT: So the reason I'm 17 object to their billing, the billing is
18 interrupting you i s to answer that question. 18 excessive, for example. I 'm not saying that's
19 MR. SCHNEIDER: Okay. 19 true or false. It's just you can't give a
20 THE COURT: So I'm looking at your court 20 general objection. It has to be specific.
21 file on the computer. Your first point of 21 Your prior attorney, Mr. Wyman, did a
22 reference that tells you what to do Is the 22 very o r ganized job in addressing specific
23 lune 23, 2020 amended order setting the 23 objections and so you presumably have the copies
24 plaintiff First American Bank's motion for 24 of that and you were present for the prior fee
25 assessment of attorney's fees and costs and 25 hearing, so that's a point of reference on how
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13 15
1 to address this. 1 MR. SCHNEIDER: I know they've done a
2 MR. SCHNEIDER: Well, I don't have -- 2 lot of work and I paid them a lot of money and
3 THE COURT: I'm extending the time for 3 without having that file, I really don't have a
4 your compliance to the following dates. I'm 4 point of reference to even --
5 going to push out the dates to the following, 5 THE COURT: So confer with your
6 this case would be subject to call starting 6 attorney, confer with your prior attorney, make
7 October 1st for that, just in October, and you 7 your requests. And if that's an issue, then you
8 will comply with the order by -- you'll give 8 will need to come back in terms of if you need
9 your specific objections by September 8th and at 9 further time. But right now, this hearing has
10 the same time disclose who your expert is, if 10 been set since lune for the September to October
11 you're going to have an expert. 11 docket. I understand your attorney withdrew in
12 MR. SCHNEIDER: Is there a way that we 12 July, so I'm extending the deadlines out for
13 can get this, there's hundreds of redactions. I 13 you. But we do need to --
14 did, you know, I tried to do a little bit of 14 MS. GLEASON: Your Honor, we need to
15 work to try to see what I could understand on my 15 move on. It's 20 minutes.
16 own. Obviously, I don't know if you've seen it 16 THE COURT: Brenda, I'm not finished.
17 yet -- 17 We need to reach a resolution on this case. We
18 THE COURT: To the extent you can object 18 have to reach a resolution on this case and we
19 to it on that basis. If you're saying that the 19 need to stay on task. So this deadline has been
20 redaction is a problem and that there's not an 20 substantially extended. If you're having
21 adequate description of what occurred in order 21 further issues, you'll need to file the
22 for them to be -- in order for the other side 22 appropriate motion for enlargement of time and I
23 to -- if that's a concern or an objection, then 23 will consider it.
24 you can raise that and specifically objecting to 24 MR. SCHNEIDER: What are the sanctions?
25 that time entry. 25 THE COURT: All right. So it's in the
14 16
1 So we're on the UMC right now and I do, 1 order. It's in the order, it's in capital
2 as my JA has indicated, we do have a number of 2 letters, and it applies to both sides, both
3 cases still to call, but let me just stay on 3 sides. "Noncompliance with any portion of this
4 task. Right now where I'm at is that the 4 order may result in the striking of the case,
5 nonmovant, the Schneiders, will have until 5 witnesses or exhibits or imposition of such
6 September 8th to provide the specific 6 other sanctions as are just."
7 objections, disclose your expert witness. 7 That is the language and it applies to
8 Next, the parties will have a conference 8 both sides in terms of noncompliance.
9 on the fees by September 18th and then the joint 9 MR. SCHNEIDER: And the date you're
10 report will be provided to the Court by 10 giving is September 8th. So there's no way I'm
11 September 30th. And if I provided a date that 11 going to be able to comply with that. So I
12 is not a business day, then the ordinary course 12 guess --
13 is the next business day. 13 THE COURT: Let me ask Mr. Keller, I
14 MR. SCHNEIDER: I don't see any way I 14 don't have the billing sheets in front of me.
15 can possibly do this, especially given that I 15 We're not talking about -- exactly how many
16 have to now find a place to move because of the 16 pages of billing sheets are we talking about?
17 foreclosure. And can I get an order of some 17 MR. KELLER, III: Your Honor, it's about
18 sort that requires my prior counsel to provide 18 on the same order as the last hearing we had, so
19 me the file and anything else they have? 19 it is significant, there are a number of pages.
20 THE COURT: If you're having an issue 20 THE COURT: Oh, I haven't seen that.
21 with that, you can communicate with your prior 21 MR. SCHNEIDER: It's 1,000 entries,
22 attorney on that. The court file you can obtain 22 2,000?
23 if you need -- confer with your attorney. Your 23 THE COURT: All right, Mr. Schneider,
24 attorney has withdrawn now so I don't have the 24 you're right, this is what I'm going to do. I
25 authority to do that. 25 didn't have an appreciation for the breadth of
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1 the billing records and what you would be 1 THE COURT: Have a great day, thank you.
2 addressing. This is the Court's order. 2 (Thereupon, the proceedings were
3 I'm moving you to the October to 3 concluded at 9:20 a.m.)
4 November docket and a new order with new 4
5 deadlines will be addressed. And they will all 5
6 be cued by the October to November deadline. 6
7 That's the fairest, given the breadth of the 7
8 billing that's been provided. 8
9 Do you have the billing? 9
10 MR. SCHNEIDER: Well, yeah, I saw them 10
11 online. I tried to start working with it, but 11
12 it's heavily redacted. 12
13 THE COURT: Mr. Schneider, your request 13
14 for additional time is granted. I'm setting you 14
15 for the October to November period on the 15
16 nonjury docket. And the new deadlines will be 16
17 calculated by the new setting and that will give 17
18 you enough time. 18
19 MR. SCHNEIDER: Okay. So September 8th 19
20 is no longer the deadline for a hearing? 20
21 THE COURT: No, don't worry about that. 21
22 MR. SCHNEIDER: All right. Thank you 22
23 very much, Judge. 23
24 THE COURT: You're welcome. Because of 24
25 the breadth of the requests and what is being 25
18 20
1 addressed, it is fair to extend the time to 1 CERTIFICATE OF SHORTHAND REPORTER
2 provide the requisite specific objections, so 2
3 I'm moving this case to the October to November 3 STATE OF FLORIDA )
4 docket and you'll get the new order following 4 ) ss.
6 MR. SCHNEIDER: Thank you, Judge. 6
7 THE COURT: You will comply with the 7 I, Paula Pace, RPR, Notary Public, do
8 order and we do need to, as I stated before, we 8 hereby certify that I was authorized to and did
9 do need to a reach final resolution of this 9 stenographically report the foregoing proceedings
10 case. This is the last -- well, this is the 10 and that the transcript is a true and correct
11 only pending motion at this point. If there are 11 transcription of my stenotype notes of the
12 other motions that get filed, then we will 12 proceedings.
13 address them as they come. 13
14 You all have a good rest of the day. 14 Dated this 25th day of August,
15 You will be receiving an order following today 15 2020.
16 from me with the order resetting the case for 16
17 the October to November docket with the new 17
18 deadlines. So the motion is compel compliance 18
19 is granted in part. There will be compliance. 19
20 The enlargement of time is granted 20
21 because I am resetting you to October to 21 Paula Pace, RPR
22 November, given the breadth of the issue. 22
23 MR. SCHNEIDER: Okay. 23
24 Thank you, Judge. 24
25 MR. KELLER, III: Thank you, your Honor. 25
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