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The Napping House Unit Study & Printables
created by Ami Brainerd

Literacy Activities

Beginning Phonics: N is for Napping

If you are learning the alphabet and letter sounds, consider introducing N for

For a fun activity, get a box and have an N adventure. Look inside and outside
(weather permitting) for things that start with N. Complete the N is for Napping
mini book for your student's lapbook. Additional N mini-books found on the Letter
N Lapbook Page.
Similar Stories
Discuss how the small flea causes such excitement! Many other stories have similar
plots where the tiniest character saves the day or a small character has a big job.

Book suggestions:
Berlioz the Bear by Jan Brett
The Turnip by Pierr Morgan
The Enormous Carrot by Vladimir Vagin
This story is also a cumulative tale. You may want to read other similar stories such
as This Is the House That Jack Built, There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Fly,
and Joseph Had a Little Overcoat. You could also sing "There's a Hole in My Bucket"
or "There's a Hole in the Bottom of the Sea" together this week.
Similar Words
This book has many different words for sleeping (snoring, dreaming, dozing,
slumbering)! An older student may have fun trying to think of as many words as
possible for the following: big, little, happy, and sad.
Finger Plays and Songs
You can find lots of different songs and finger plays about sleep to sing and act out
with your preschooler. Here are a few that come to mind. You will find some songs
in the printable section. You may also want to sing some sleepy time songs
(lullabies) with your student this week.
Song Ideas:
"Ten in the Bed” "Are You Sleeping?" "Lazy Mary, Will You Get Up?"

My House
Discuss what happens in the Napping House. What is in or what is happening in
your house? Let your student add words or pictures inside the house shape mini-
book (in the printables section) to describe his house.
Choral Reading
After a few readings, encourage your student to help you read the book as they
can. You may even want to pause before "where everyone is sleeping" and let your
student chime in with the phrase.
Story Sequencing
Use the flap book provided to sequence the story.

Art Activities

I Spy with My Little Eye: Details in the Illustrations

After you've read the story once or twice, go back to the first illustration and ask
your student if he can spy the other animals. They are there! It may take a little bit
to find the mouse and flea, but they were in the room from the beginning of the

Another observation activity would include watching what is happening out the
window. The day starts out rainy, but ends with sunshine and a rainbow!
Colors in the Illustrations
Notice the artwork and how it changes as everyone in the house wakes. What
color is used the most on the illustrations of everyone sleeping? (blue) What color
is used in the art when everyone wakes up (see the page that says "break the
bed")? (yellow) Discuss this with even a small student asking him to point out the
blues on the sleeping pages and the yellow on the waking-up pages.
Math Activities

Size Sequencing
The story starts with granny in her cozy bed and then the dreaming child joins her
followed by a dog, cat, mouse, and a tiny flea! This is a great opportunity to discuss
sizes of things with your young student. Get a bucket of multi-sized blocks (or a
stack of various sized books or even different sized lids from jars and jugs) and let
your student sort them into two groups: small and large. You may want to try
small, medium, and large.

Look at the shape house in the printables section and discuss different shapes with
your student. If your student has already mastered shapes and colors, try having
him follow the instructions printed at the top of the page.
This book allows you to discuss various opposites. Opposites are two things that
directly contrast each other. Some opposites you could discuss as you read the
 inside/outside
 day/night
 sun/moon
 big/little
 asleep/awake
 empty/full
 rain/sun

Use the mini-book provided to reinforce and review opposites.


In a very basic way, introduce your student to day and night sleeping animals.
Discuss animals that sleep in the day (nocturnal) and animals that sleep at night
(diurnal) using the mini-book provided.
Additional Ideas

Story Patterns
Use the story patterns from Kizclub for various activities.
1. Count the characters.
2. Let your student use the characters to retell the story.
3. After a few days of reading the story, place the sleepy patterns on a table. Ask
your student the following questions:
 Who is snoring?
 Who is dreaming?
 Who is dozing?
 Who is snoozing?
 Who is slumbering?
 Who is wakeful?

4. Practice learning the preposition on. Put the grandma on the bed. Put the
boy on the grandma. Put the dog on the boy. If this is too easy, try other positional
statements: "put the boy next to the cat" or "put the dog under the mouse."
Another positional word found in the book is between.
5. Sort the patterns into two groups: awake and asleep. You may want to make
pockets for your lapbook or notebook with the words awake and asleep on them.
Just for Fun
Create a pretend play corner. Put pillows, blankets, pajamas, a CD with lullabies, an
alarm clock, stuffed animals, and other sleepy time things in the corner. Let your
student pretend to go to bed. Help him set the alarm clock (to go off in 1-2
minutes) and help him put a lullaby on the CD player. You may even want to have a
pajama day! This would also be a good time to teach the life skill of making a bed.

Book Basket
Read more stories about sleep!
Goodnight Moon by Margaret Wise Brown
Baya, Baya, Lulla-by-a by Megan McDonald
All the Pretty Little Horses illustrated by Linda Saport
Hush! A Thai Lullaby by Minfong Ho
Time for Bed by Mem Fox
Goodnight Gorilla by Peggy Rathman
Sleep is for Everyone by Paul Showers

Materials and information may be used for your own personal and school use.
Material may not be used for resale or shared electronically. © Homeschool Share
Cover Piece
Directions: Cut out piece. Add
student’s name and glue to the front of

Napping your lap- book.


Sleeping Songs Layer Book

Sleeping Are you sleeping,

Are you sleeping

Songs Brother John,

Brother John?
Directions: Cut out rectangles. Stack together (smallest to largest) with cover on top and staple.

Morning bells are ringing

Morning bells are ringing
Ding! Ding! Dong!
Ding! Ding! Dong!

There were ten in the bed Are You Sleeping?

And the little one said
“Roll over, roll over”
So they all rolled over Lazy Mary, will you get up,
And one fell out! Will you get up, will you get up?
There were nine in the bed Lazy Mary, will you get up
And the little one said This cold and frosty morning?
“Roll over, roll over” No, no, Mother, I won’t get up,
So they all rolled over
I won’t get up, I won’t get up,
And one fell out! No, no, Mother, I won’t get up,
This cold and frosty morning.
Repeat with eight, seven, six,

five, four, three, two, and one.

Ten in the Bed Lazy Mary










Story Sequence Flap Book Snoozing
Directions: Cut out book as one piece. Fold in half. Unfold. Cut on lines to form six flaps. Use the
images on the next page to create a story sequence flap book.

In My House Shape Book
Directions: Cut out book as one piece. Fold in half. Use the inside of the book to draw what is
happening in your house.

These images go with the sequencing book on the previous page.

Sleeping Animals Mini-book
Directions: Cut out book as one piece (this is the inside). Fold in half. Cut out cover. Paste to the
front. Color, cut, and paste animals to the appropriate areas. Night sleepers: goat, sparrow,

cow, butterfly, and squirrel. Day sleepers: moth, owl, bat, raccoon, and mouse .

Who sleeps in the day?

Who sleeps at night?

Sleeping Animals Mini-book

Sleeping Animals

N is for

N is for Nap Book

Nn Directions: Cut out book. Fold in half. Cut

an paste the Nn (I like to nap at night) page
in- side the book.

I like to nap at night.

Opposites Shutterflap Book
Directions: Cut on solid lines; fold on dotted lines. Paste the opposites under the flaps.




noisy awake

big empty

full little quiet asleep

Shape House
Color the rectangle windows and door blue.
Color the diamond chimney red.
Color the circle bushes green.
Color the triangles yellow.
Paste the house to the back of your lapbook. You can use it for counting activities.
Cover Piece
Directions: Cut out piece. Color. Add

student’s name and glue to the front of

Napping your lapbook.


Sleeping Songs Layer Book

Sleeping Are you sleeping,

Are you sleeping

Songs Brother John,

Brother John?
Directions: Cut out rectangles. Stack together (smallest to largest) with cover on top and staple.

Morning bells are ringing

Morning bells are ringing
Ding! Ding! Dong!
Ding! Ding! Dong!

There were ten in a bed

Are You Sleeping?
And the little one said

“Roll over, roll over”

So they all rolled over
Lazy Mary, will you get up,
And one fell out! Will you get up, will you get up?
There were nine in a bed Lazy Mary, will you get up
And the little one said This cold and frosty morning?
“Roll over, roll over” No, no, Mother, I won’t get up,
So they all rolled over
I won’t get up, I won’t get up,
And one fell out! No, no, Mother, I won’t get up,
This cold and frosty morning.
Repeat with eight, seven, six,

five, four, three, two, and one.

Ten in a Bed Lazy Mary










Story Sequence Flap Book Snoozing
Directions: Cut out book as one piece. Fold in half. Unfold. Cut on lines to form six flaps. Use the
images on the next page to create a story sequence flap book.

In My House Shape Book
Directions: Cut out book as one piece. Fold in half. Use the inside of the book to draw what is
happening in your house.

These images go with the sequencing book on the previous page.

Sleeping Animals Mini-book
Directions: Cut out book as one piece (this is the inside). Fold in half. Cut out cover. Paste to the
front. Color, cut, and paste animals to the appropriate areas. Night sleepers: goat, sparrow,

cow, butterfly, and squirrel. Day sleepers: moth, owl, bat, raccoon, and mouse .

Who sleeps in the day?

Who sleeps at night?

Sleeping Animals Mini-book

Sleeping Animals

N is for

N is for Nap Book

Nn Directions: Cut out book. Fold in half. Cut

an paste the Nn (I like to nap at night) page
in- side the book.

I like to nap at night.

Opposites Shutterflap Book
Directions: Cut on solid lines; fold on dotted lines. Paste the opposites under the flaps.




noisy awake

big empty

full little quiet asleep

Shape House
Color the rectangle windows and door blue.
Color the diamond chimney red.
Color the circle bushes green.
Color the triangles yellow.
Paste the house to the back of your lapbook. You can use it for counting activities.
Terms of Use
This product may be used for your own classroom or personal use. It may not be

shared as a pdf file, on the web, or in any other way. It should not be recreated or

duplicated. © Homeschool Share

Lapbook Clipart & Font Thanks:

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