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I plead Your Precious Blood over my body, mind,

soul, and spirit; my past healings; my conscious and
my sub-conscious; my family, friends, and possessions;
my intellect and my will; my feelings, thoughts, and emotions;
my words and actions; my vocation, my role in my family, my relationships,
and sexuality. Protect with Your Precious Blood my work, finances, ministries, all
other activities–all that I am and all that I do. (Personal Intentions.) Lord, I
dedicate all of these things to You, and I acknowledge You as Lord and Master of

In Your Name, Lord Jesus Christ, I ask You to bind, silence, and separate Satan,
and all his evil spirits that are coming against me, any of my loved ones, or
any of my possessions. Lord Jesus, I ask you to command Satan and all of his
companion spirits to depart from me and go directly to the foot of Your Cross,
never to return to us again.

Father, I ask that our bodies, minds, souls, and spirits be washed clean and
healed by the Holy Spirit, and I ask the Holy Spirit to dwell in us forever.
I ask you, Blessed Mother, through the grace of your Immaculate Conception,
to intercede for our protection. I ask You, Eternal Father, to release St. Michael
the Archangel, and all the angels to surround us, protect us, and minister to us.

Father, Jesus, Holy Spirit, and Blessed Mother,

I thank You, I praise You, and I love You.


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