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Food Around the World People around the world have different eating habits. In South America, people eat a lot of meat. In Italy, people like pasta, In India, people put hot spices in their food. The Japanese diet is healthful. Japanese people eat a lot of fish and vegetables. Japanese people cook vegetables for a short time, so the vegetables don't lose their vitamins. Ataditional Japanese meal There is a lot of rice in the Japanese diet. Japanese people eat rice with breakfast, lunch, and dinner. In fact, the Japanese word for breakfast means “morning rice.” In Australia, outdoor barbecues are very popular. Australian families love to take their grills with them wherever they go. They like eating in the garden oron the beach. They enjoy sharing their barbecues with family, neighbors, and friends. Australian barbecues are healthful, with lots of good food. ‘Australians use a variety of fresh meat and fish, and vegetables and fruits too, They grill these foods together on ‘wooden or metal skewers to make delicious kebabs Australian barbecue Many types of tropical fruit grow in Australia. Australians put papayas, kiwis, and passion fruit in salads and eat them with their barbecued meat or fish. No wonder Australians love their barbecues! A serpent Amazing Instruments Imagine you are in a band. Can you play the piano? Do you want to be the guitarist? Do you want to sing? Musicians in bands play lots of instruments. But there are thousands of different instruments in the world. Orchestras are bigger than bands. Sometimes there are 120 musicians in an orchestra. They play string instruments, like violins, and wind instruments, like clarinets. She's playing the sitar, One of the biggest wind instruments is the serpent. It's called a serpent because it looks like a snake. The serpent is one of the loudest instruments in the orchestra, The sitar is not very loud. But it’s one of the most difficult instruments to play because it has 42 strings. The sitar is an Indian instrument. Sitar players sit on the ground. Their concerts are very long. Sometimes they last all night. An organ, The biggest instrument is the organ. It’s the loudest instrument too. Inside the organ there are lots of pipes. The biggest organ in the world is in Atlantic City in the United States. It has over 33,000 pipes! The biggest pipe is almost 20 meters long Organs have white and black keys, like pianos. Pianos have 88 keys, but some organs have 120 keys. The first balloonists were two French brothers, Jacques and Joseph Montgolfier. They flew above Paris in a balloon in 1783. Their balloon didn’t fly fast, but their flight was one hour Jong. It changed the world. Balloons The Wright brothers built the first airplane, but they were not the first people to travel in the air. Before the airplane, there was the balloon How Do Balloons Work? The pilot and the passengers stand in the basket. There is a burner above the basket, The burner burns gas and makes hot air. The hot air goes He's traveling by balloon. in the balloon and lifts it into the sky. The Montgolfier brothers in their balloon Airplanes are more practical than balloons. The pilot can control an airplane. Airplanes are faster than balloons. But ballooning is a fantastic sport. Now there are balloons in amazing shapes. | The balloon must be very big. You need a lot of hot air to lift the people in the basket. You can’t carry heavy things in a balloon. The pilot can’t control the balloon. The wind blows and pushes the balloon. When you want to land, you turn off the burner. Then the air in the balloon gets cold and the balloon falls slowly to the ground. Safety is important. The pilot and the passengers must wear helmets. They must wear warm clothes because it’s cold and windy in the sky. ‘A balloon in the shape | of a frog Imagine a world without wheels! Before wheels, there were no bikes, no clocks, no windmills, no engines. Can you think of other things that need wheels? Wheels first appeared in the East, in Mesopotamia, more than 5,000 years ago. They were solid and ‘Windmill round. Later, a clever inventor had an idea. He made a hole in the Jf middle of the wheel. Farmers and workers attached the wheels to J carts, and animals pulled them. In 1888, John Boyd Dunlop, a veterinarian from Scotland, watched his son riding his tricycle. The tricycle had solid rubber tires that were uncomfortable to een ca ride on. Dunlop thought of a way to make the tires more comfortable. He invented a tire filled with air, Today, bikes, cars, and airplanes still use Dunlop's idea. Egyptian Games The pyramids are the most famous Egyptian monument. But the Egyptians made smaller things, like toys and musical instruments. Today, we can look at these things and learn about the daily life of Egyptians. Atoy lion Look at the picture of the toy lion. The lion closes and opens its mouth when you pull the string, This toy isn’t broken, although it's 2,000 years old. The Egyptians liked games. They played a game called senet on { special table. The table in the photo was in the tomb of King Tutankhamun. ‘An Egyptian game table Now look at the painting. Two animals are playing the game on the table. The Egyptians liked jokes and funny pictures—just like us! Going Places Today, cities are big and noisy. There are lots of people. They want to go to work. They want to go shopping, They want to go home. Everybody is moving! Some people have a car, and others travel by taxi, subway, or bus. There are lots of traffic jams in cities. But imagine you don't want to travel by car or by bus. Let's look at some different types of transportation, A rickshaw In Indonesia, there are rickshaws. Rickshaws are a type of bicycle. Behind the bicycle, there are two chairs for passengers. The chairs have wheels. The bicycle pulls the chairs, Rickshaws are not fast, but they are cheap. Some rickshaws are very colorful. The drivers are friendly, but their job is difficult. A sedan chair Would you like to travel by sedan chair? There are no sedan chairs in cities today. You can see them in museums. Only one person can sit in a sedan chair. Two people carry it. Sedan chairs were | expensive. They were | for rich people. | Can you rollerblade? Rollerblades are a good way to travel. They are fast and cheap. Rollerblades are better than cars because they don’t cause traffic jams or pollution. He's rollerblading. Emergency Vet Sarah Green has an interesting job. She's a vet. Vets are doctors for animals. But Sarah isn’t an ordinary vet. She's an emergency vet. Her specialty is birds. She works with swans, geese, and other big birds. She rescues them, She's examining a swan. “Swans are beautiful birds,” says Sarah, “but \y) they are not always clever. Sometimes they land on the ground and they can’t take off again. Swans need to be on water. They can't take off from the ground, When they walk away from the water, they get lost. Sometimes they walk in the road—that’s dangerous. So I come and rescue them. It’s my job,” Sometimes big birds land in people's gardens. People call the police, and the police call Sarah. “I try to catch the bird,” says Sarah. “It's not easy. These birds are very strong. They are scared. They try to bite me. I put the bird in a cage and take it toa lake, Then I release it and it flies away.” Sometimes the birds are hurt. Perhaps they have a broken wing. Sarah looks after them until they are better. “1 work with other animals too. I look after dogs and cats when they are ill. But birds are my speciality. I love them. They are happy when they fly again. And soam I.” Sarah helps dogs too. \A ) Soccer You're running fast. You're kicking the ball. You're near the goal. The crowd is excited. You're going to score a goal. You kick the ball and ... it’s a goal! You're a champion. Soccer is the world's most popular sport. Soccer stars are rich and famous. Soccer is an old game. It’s more than 200 years old. But in the past the rules were different. Soccer was like rugby. The rules of modern soccer were made in 1863. The first World Cup was in Uruguay in 1930. Soccer players in 1910 In the past, soccer players’ clothes were different. The players’ shorts were long. Their boots were big and heavy. Soccer isn’t only a boys’ game. Lots of girls play soccer. In the United States, there are famous women players like Michelle Akers and Mia Hamm. Many other countries like Germany, Brazil, and Japan have women's teams. The first Women's World Cup was in 1991. Mia Hamm. In some countries, people have a different name for soccer. In the U.K., people call it football instead of soccer. But in the United States, football is not the same game as soccer. American football is a very different game. Players wear helmets and protective clothing. In American football, players can carry, kick, or throw the ball. The ball is oval, not round. Football is a fun game. But it’s very different from soccer. American football @ A Cool Trea Ice cream is a favorite dessert all around the world. It is a popular snack and a special treat at parties and celebrations. Everyone loves ice cream! Some people think the idea of ice cream came from China, a long time ago. Others say that the Emperor Nero ordered his servants to bring snow down from the mountains and mix it with fruits and honey. Ice cream cone In Ecuador, people make ice cream in metal bowls. They put a bowl of fruit on a bigger bowl that has ice and salt. Then they mix the fruit for a long time, The ice cream is delicious! Good news: Ice cream is healthful! It has protein and many vitamins. We can eat it in a cone or ina dish. Ice cream comes in different flavors, such as vanilla and chocolate. What a cool treat! Making ice cream

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