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Story: Sean the next big actor

Sean worked at a big contact center group as a customer service agent, but all his life he
wanted to be an actor. So one week ago, Sean applied for a big character in a science
fiction movie with really famous people, but the principal agent told him that he had to wait
for a response.

Friday evening he came back home and saw a letter on the table, he thought it was a letter
from his sister and almost passed along the way; until he saw the cinema company logo.
What he saw inside the envelope surprised him a lot! He reached the goal in the cast of his
dreams, he will be in the big screen with very important actors. It was unbelievable, he got
extremely excited and started to celebrate, he danced and listened to music. He also opened
a bottle of champagne that was saved for only special moments. He always wanted to drink
the whole champagne, so he did.
He had a relaxing time drinking and also smoking and then he decided to have a delicious
and expensive dinner. After that, he cleaned himself and went to bed because it was a busy
day and knew about all the things he was going to do the next day, so really tired he yawned
and went to sleep.

The end.

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