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"John Steinbeck A Russian Journal 1948      "

chapter 7- georgia


This is a summary of the article “A Russian journal “ written by John Steinbeck published in 1948    and
specifically chapter 7 . In this text, the author wishes to emphasize the importance of    travelling in new
countries and getting familiar with their culture .      in chapter 7 author    concentrates on    country
Georgia    and    tries to describe its nature , people , culture    and he does this so detailed that the reader
feels like they really are visiting this country.    the author points out couple of times how Russian people
feel about Georgia and Georgians , he describes how Russians are in awe of Georgia with its every aspect
and writes that    :    " Indeed, we began to believe that most Russians hope that if they live very good and
virtuous lives, they will go not to heaven, but to Georgia, when they die " . from this text we can say that
the only reason why author    decided to travel to Georgia is    exactly because of Russians and things he
has heard from them about Georgia . author pays lot of attention      about how Georgian people look ,
and what is so different about    them , he feels like Georgian men are way much more good looking than
Georgian women : " These Georgians are different-looking people. They are dark, almost gypsy-looking,
with shining teeth, and long well-formed noses, and black curly hair ,    They are a very handsome breed,
the Georgian men    "    .    for author Georgian people are associated with great drinkers , great superman
, great dancers , great musicians    , great workers and lovers .the author points out number of churches   
in Georgia and especially in Tbilisi . he describes how Georgians pray when they are inside the church
how they kneel and kiss the corner of the building    , how they respect environment and traditions ,
from all this he notes that Georgians must be very religious people    from early    centuries . author feels
like Georgian food is most delicious and famous all over the soviet union    .    according to author    when
you fly over Georgia you will think it is California    because of    its coast    the only difference is that the
black sea is not turbulent and violent    like pacific and coast isn’t rocky either .    as he says    soccer is
very popular sport in Georgia    :      " the intersectional soccer games carry more excitement and more
emotion than any other sports event    "    . and not only in Georgia but in soviet union .    Steinbeck also
writes    about architecture and planning of the city Tbilisi    :    "On the high ridge to the west of us there
was an ancient fortress, battlemented and huge, and black against the sky"    . the city is    dominated by
a castle on the ridge , Part of the city is very old, and a river runs through the pass, with high cliffs on one
side and    it    is very old city with old houses , Tbilisi was almost    fifteen-hundredth years old when the
author visited this city . finally he states that    Georgian people are different from everyone else with so
many noticing details and personality . they are    more relaxed , fierce    and full of joy .    he isn’t sure
how sincere it is because      maybe they are just trying to seem like    it , perhaps    this is the way they
want to be . from authors    passages in paragraphs , for example    when he mentions queen Tamar or
how Georgians have to fight for their countries freedom    and how it is country near turkey ,    we can say
that he had read a lot about Georgian culture , countries history and    knows all the hardships Georgia as
a country went through . I can confidently say that this four page text fully and very accurately describes
Georgia and Georgian people . it will not be exaggerating    as a Georgian person to say that Georgia is
really good choice    when you want to visit new country and experience new feelings . after reading this
text it is    safe to say that lot of things have changed in Georgia but most significant things that makes
this country memorable to the tourist has remained the same    .     

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