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Basic Ml questions:

a) Define Machine learning? Briefly explain the types of learning.

c) What are the issues in decision tree induction?

1.hypothesis and hypothesis space
2.feature space\feature matrix
3.information gain
4.gini index
5.entropy.How does this change with positive and negative data values of a feature
6.Sigmoid curve
7.soft and hard margin in SVM
9.response vector
10.pre pruning pruning
13.Conditional probability.

Q.Distinguish between
a.supervised and unsupervised machine learning
b.classification and regression v/s all and one v/s one multiclass classification
d.linear and logistic regression
e.machine learning and traditional programming
f.linear and non linear separable data.
Q. What are the elements of reinforcement learning?

Q. How to classify mixed data?

Q.Write short notes on

a) Logistic regression
b) Back propogation algorithm
c) issues in machine Learning
Q.Which one is the best supervised machine learning algorithm out of decision tree, naive
bayes,K-NN and SVM for classifying large PDF documents?

Questions on Distance based method/nearest neighbour/knn

1.What is “K” in KNN algorithm?

2. How do we decide the value of "K" in KNN algorithm?

3. Why is the odd value of “K” preferable in KNN algorithm?

4. What is the difference between Euclidean Distance and Manhattan distance? What is the
formula of Euclidean distance and Manhattan distance?

5. Why is KNN algorithm called Lazy Learner?

6. Why should we not use KNN algorithm for large datasets?

7. What are the advantages and disadvantages of KNN algorithm?

8. A dealer has a warehouse that stores a variety of fruits and vegetables. When fruit is
brought to the warehouse, various types of fruit may be mixed together. The dealer wants a
model that will sort the fruit according to type. Justify with reasons how machine learning
model is efficient compared to feature based classification technique.
9.For the K nearest neighbor recognition what would be the best distance metric to
implement for a handwritten digit recognizer?
10.How to combine and code SVM and KNN for image classification?
11.How can we increase the acuuracy of KNN ?

Questions on linear and logistic regression and SVM.

Q.Discuss linear regression with example.

1. What is a logistic function? What is the range of values of a logistic function?
2. Why is logistic regression very popular?
3. What is the formula for the logistic regression function?
4. How can the probability of a logistic regression model be expressed as conditional
5. What are the outputs of the logistic model and the logistic function?
6.Why can’t linear regression be used in place of logistic regression for binary classification?
7. Is the decision boundary linear or nonlinear in the case of a logistic regression model?
8. What is the likelihood function?
9. What is the Maximum Likelihood Estimator (MLE)?
10. Why can’t we use Mean Square Error (MSE) as a cost function for logistic regression?
11. Why is accuracy not a good measure for classification problems?
12. Which algorithm is better at handling outliers logistic regression or SVM?
13. How will you deal with the multiclass classification problem using logistic regression?
14.How to choose the best fit line.Explain with example.
Q.Describe the working of SVM with diagram.
Q.The values of independent variable x and dependent value y are given below:
Find the least square regression line y=ax+b. Estimate the value of y when x is 10.

Q.What is the goal of the support vector machine (SVM)? How to compute the margin
Q.Use decision tree to classify students based on their academic records.Explain with
Q.Suppose that we want to build a neural network that classifies two dimensional data (i.e., X
= [x1, x2]) into two classes: diamonds and crosses. We have a set of training data that is
plotted as follows:

Draw a network that can solve this classification problem. Justify your choice of the number
of nodes and the architecture. Draw the decision boundary that your network can find on the
Q.What is kernel trick in SVM.Explain with the help of example.Also explain the types of
Q.Why SVM is efficient than logistic regression for classification?
Q.How will you apply SVM to detect credit card fraud?

Questions on Decision trees

Q.Consider the following dataset for predicting a outcome of a tennis match

Write the formula for information gain for an attribute.Compute information gain for
all attributes.Which is selected as the root node?

Q.How are entropy and information gain related vis-a-vis decision trees?
Q.How do you calculate the entropy of children nodes after the split based on on a feature?
Q.Explain overfitting problem in decision trees.
Q.What is the stopping criteria in decision tress?
Q.What is a decision tree ? How a decision tree is constructed explain with example.

Questions on Naïve Bayes classifier

Q.Explain naïve bayes classifier in context with Bayes theorem

Q.Derive Bayes theorem.
Q.Why is Naive Bayes naive?

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