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Good afternoon ladies dan gentlemen

How are you in this afternoon?i hope you are in good condition now.Ameen.
Ladies and gentlemen, first of all,let`s say our thanks to our God most
gracious,most merciful,the cherisher and sustainer of the world,who has given us
healthy until we join this programme.Secondly our salutation to our prophet
Muhammad peace be upon him,who has brought us from the darkness to the
brightness,from unknowledge to knowledge,from immoral to moral until right
Honourable to our principle Mr. Arizon,who want to see our programme today
thank you very much for your coming.Well ladies and gentlemen,in this afternoon
I would like to ask questions to the teacher and student from other school.
Ladies and gentlemen in this occation I would like to introduce in my self
1. My name is Jenny Syakila
2. You can call me Jenny
3. I was born in Lubuk Alung,on February of 27 in 2005
4. I am 17 years old
5. I am a student of senior high school number one of Lubuk Alung
6. I am in class 12 Mipa 5
7. Iam in Mipa
8. I like studying English
9. My English teacher is Mr.Candra azwar
10.My principal is Mr.Arizon
11.I like singing and reading
12.I like playing badminton
13.I live in Lubuk Alung at perumnas kp.ladang
14.My father is Mr.Zaikiwar
My mother is Mrs.Ernayenti
15.I am from big family
16.I have one sister and one brother
17.I am number 2 in family
18.My favorite colour is blue
19.My favorite food is noodle
20.My favorite drink is mineral water
21.My favorite song is bertaut
22.My favorite singer is Tulus
23.I like horror movies
24.My favorite minth is February
25.My favorite animal is cat
Well ladies and gentlemen,I think that is all I hope you understand my English
and at least I say thank you for your attention.Good bye,see you.

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