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Technology Position Statement

Technology is a critical and ever-changing tool that should be utilized in teaching

and student learning. In order for students to be prepared to be a lifelong learner,
educators must create opportunities for students to interact with, consume, and create
using technology.

Technology is vital to promote specific skills that are essential for any learner.
Technology promotes problem solving. Learners must constantly be solving problems
whether in searching for relevant information, or creating a way to demonstrate their
own understanding. Secondly, the use of technology promotes creativity. Learners have
access to a number of tools that allow for originality and creativity, while also showing
mastery. Lastly, the use of technology promotes collaboration. Learners must have
opportunities to navigate working with peers to accomplish a common goal. Technology
provides a space for learners to interact with peers, and others, in order to strengthen
their own learning.

As educators, we must provide equal access to technology and also explicitly

model and teach appropriate use. For example, learners must be provided with explicit
instruction on how to find and determine reliable resources. In the vast world of the
internet, learners need to be able to navigate effectively while finding valid sources. As
leaders, we must promote and model proper use of this space, while also being sure to
give students the tools they need to be successful.

In conclusion, technology is an important tool that can promote critical skills

learners will need in today’s world. As leaders and educators, we must provide these
opportunities for students to interact with and grow, while also being models of
appropriate use.

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