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Algorithm models: Turing machine, Church-Turing thesis, computaibility, complexity of algorithms,

Finding minimum and maximum simultaneously.

General sorting algorithms: merge sort, insertion sort, heap sort, quick sort.

Lower bound on the complexity of general sorting algorithms.

Linear time sorting algorithms: counting sort, bin sort; radix sort.

Discrete optimization, knapsack problem, bin packing; backtracing algorithms, using stack.
Hamiltonian circle, traveling salesman problem.

Dynamic programming; longest common subsequence.

Shortest path: Dijkstra’s algorithm, Floyd-Warshall algorithm

Minimal spanning tree: Prim and Kruskal algorithms.

Maximal flow, Ford-Fulkerson algorithms.

Randomized algorithms; Las-Vegas and Monte-Carlo methods. Quick sort. Fermat test, Monte Carlo
integration, randomized equality test.

Parallel programming: CRCW and CREW models. Linear time sorting using large scale of processors.
Parallel architectures: grid, hypercube.

Parallel sortings: ranking sort.

Sara Baase: Computer algorithms: introduction to design and analysis Pearson Education, 2009

Thomas H. Cormen • Charles E. Leiserson • Ronald L. Rivest - Clifford Stein: Introduction to

Algorithms; Third Edition, The MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, London, England, 2009

Rajeev Motwani, Prabhakar Raghavan: Randomized Algorithms, Cambridge University Press (1995)
Written exam

Expected exam times:

18. December (Monday)

2. January (Tuesday)

15. January (Monday)

29. January (Monday)

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