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I hope you know about something

I just fine here

Don’t worry about me

I’ll catch you up

Soon after I’ve been arrived

So, stay safe and follow the rules

And everything just gonna be fine

I promise you

I’ll not let you down

I don’t know

How to describe my feelings to you

I’m not a warm person

I just too nervous

I hope one day

I could see clear into your eyes

I cant stop think about you

I cant erase your smile

Your face

Your laugh

That’s cant be forget

So, I hope you

Still there

Waiting for me

I’ll always be on your side

I hope you so
Sakjekke aku ndherek Gusti

Uripku tansah di Berkahi

Atiku ayem tentrem 2x

Kabeh iku Gusti Yesus Kang Maringi

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