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2. C
3. D
4. C
5. 2-6-5-4-3-1
6. a) exchange of blood, breast milk, and semen
b) HIV test records,
c) To see the trend of the virus infection and provide the appropriate care for it.
d) i) 1:0.05
i) Quality of health care is higher in North America and more treatment available,
better education.
7. a) It is transmitted by mosquitoes
b) near the equator, where mosquitoes live, poor countries so there will be low
education and health care
c) pass through mosquito, not a bacteria,
8. a) release through excretion and passed onto others through food and water
b) i) 2.2
ii) difference in health care quality and education, rapid testing
iii) high fatality rate, it might spread and become a global pandemic, to give care
depending on the information
c) i) the first case in the country
ii) clean sewage system, cleaned food, and water
9. i) bacteria
ii) airborne droplets

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