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Just One Cold Approach, brrr

When I enter a night club I am a little nervous. It’s dark. People are dressed up. I don’t
know anyone and people as a rule are standoffish. But as I begin to talk to those first few
people I make friends. I begin to
feel relaxed and then I spread out.

I have recently realized that the average would-be pick-up artist approaches his seduction
environment quite differently. He runs around and does sets. He may do 5-20 cold
approaches per night. He has to re-
motivate himself, re-calibrate, decide on an opener and approach 5-20 times. This seems
alien to me and frankly I think it is time to consider it an old-fashioned concept.
When you go out you should do 1 cold approach - the first one. After that the rest are
warm approaches. You bounce off of people. You establish roots. You make friends.
One of my favorite things is to become friends with a group of people and then catch the
eye of a girl, smile, wave and approach. I am not a strange guy approaching, I am the
ambassador of my group. You can literally
meet everyone in a club this way.
This is not advanced. What it takes is a commitment to see other people as possible
friends and not as possible enemies. It takes an ability to establish trust and make friends

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