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Sex Is Not a Good Goal

Making sex a goal distances it from you instead of seeing it as a natural expression. Sex
should never be a goal. That is like making the orgasm the goal of sex - nothing will mess
up your lovemaking faster.

Appreciate the process. Replace sex as a goal with having fun with women as the goal.
The more you see sex as a goal the more you view it as separate and distant from just
being with a woman.
Having fun is making love. Saying “hello” is the beginning of foreplay. The time spent
with a woman before you are in bed together should not be spent getting her into bed. It
should be spent on foreplay. Do that and the rest will take care of itself.

I used to be a guy who always had to sleep with the girl on the first or second meet.
Looking back, I lost out on a lot of amazing women with that attitude. I didn’t know how
to just enjoy a woman and let sex take care of itself. I was a great pick up artist. I was
also too needy. I needed sex to validate myself and feel like she was into me. I was afraid
I would lose her if I didn’t sex her right away. I didn’t know how to be sexy, have fun
and just let go.
Ironically the act of sex is better and more natural for me now. I still lead but I can be
much more in the moment and not be the removed person ‘making it happen’. Sometimes
we may have sex the first night.
Sometimes later. It doesn’t matter. We are making love to each other the entire time.

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