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to have clothing, jewellery, etc. on your body:

Tracey is wearing a simple black dress.
What are you wearing to Caroline's wedding?
Some musicians don't like to wear rings when they're playing.
He wears glasses for reading.
She wears very little make-up.
to show a particular emotion on your face:
The politician wore a confident smile throughout the interview.

B2 [ T ]
to arrange your hair in a particular way:
When she's working she wears her hair in a ponytail.
You should wear your hair up (= so that it does not hang down) more
often - it suits you.
Más ejemplos
 I have a suit but I only wear it on special occasions.
 She wears a lot of bright colours.
 She wore an elegant dove-grey jacket.
 He was wearing an earring in his left ear.
 I wish I'd worn something cooler - I'm boiling.

desgaste m
The watch does not show signs of wear. El reloj no muestra señales de desgaste.
uso m
The shoes show signs of wear after the trip. Los zapatos muestran signos de uso después del
ropa f
Gym wear should be comfortable. La ropa de gimnasio debe ser cómoda.
menos frecuente:
deterioro m
abrasión f

wear (sth.) verbo (wore, worn)

usar v
I usually wear gloves in winter. Suelo usar guantes en invierno.
llevar v
The man always wears a hat during the summer. El hombre siempre lleva un sombrero durante el
ponerse algo v
We will wear funny hats at the party. Nos pondremos sombreros graciosos en la fiesta.

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