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Grammar Exercises: Comparative & Superlatives

1-Complete the adjectives using the comparative for.

1-It is too noisy here. Can we go to a ______ (quiet) place?

2-The hotel was _________ (big) than that in which we stayed last year.
3-Your work is __________ (good) than mine.
4-The accident could have been ________ (bad) than it was.
5-I was __________ (nervous) in my exam yesterday than Joseph.
6- Last week it was really hot. Today is ________ (cold) than then.

2-Complete the sentences using the Comparative form of the adjectives in

1. Cindy's hat is ____________ (dark) than mine.
2. Snakes are _____________ (dangerous) than rats.
3. My old trousers are ___________ (long) than those black ones.
4. German is ______________(difficult) than English.
5. I am ____________ (strong) than my friend.
6. The teacher is __________(tall) than me.
7. My friend's eyes are ___________ (big) than mine.
8. He sings _____________ (good) than Betty.
9. Lucy's hair is ___________ (curly) than yours.

3-Choose the correct comparative and superlative adjective and adverbs to

complete each sentence.

1-The South is _____ the north.

a) Hotter than
b) More hotter than
c) More hot than
Grammar Exercises: Comparative & Superlatives
2-We work ______ now with the new manager
a) Most happily
b) More happily
c) Happilier

3-He is ________ England

a) The most famous painter in
b) The famousest painter in
c) The most famous painter of

4-Tueday are _______ than Mondays

a) Much more busy
b) Much more busier
c) A lot busier

5- It is the worst experience ________

a) I´ve never had
b) I ever had
c) I´ve ever had

6-She eats better _________

a) Than i
b) Than me
c) That i do

7- He doesn´t run _______ his brother

a) As faster as
b) As fast as
c) Fast as

8-The bus is a bit ________ the train

a) Comfortabler than
b) More comfortable as
c) More comfortable than

9-This year we are having ________ summer since 2020

a) The most hot
b) The hottest
c) The hotter

10-We finished __________ we expected.

a) More quickly than
b) Quicklier than
c) More quick than

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