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Actividad de aprendizaje GAI2-240202501-AA2.

Dialogar sobre posibles

soluciones a problemas dentro de contextos sociales y laborales.

Diana Marcela Dominguez Botache

Materia Ingles

Control de calidad en confección industrial
Ficha: 2455204
1. Estructura a través de un documento de Word
Guion o estructura

Hello, good morning, my name is Diana Marcela Domínguez, I’m a quality control
in industrial confection student, my English instructor is Ana María Salazar, my
identification document is 1019090502 and my group is 2455204. Today I have the
responsibility of recording an audio for this activity. I know that I must improve my
weaknesses with English, I must continue learning more about my career, I must
continue building my skills to improve my performance and attitudes. I am a
persistent person with ambitions to create my own business. My obligations as a
learner are to help my work team and respect my classmates and my instructor. In
the case of my classes, I must be more responsible in delivering the activities on
time and complete, since sometimes for personal reasons I cannot do it. I should
improve my attitudes in English and thanks to these activities I can do it. Thanks a

2. Una vez finalizado el audio puede cargarlo a Spreaker o

Podbean registrándose de forma gratuita con su cuenta de
correo personal o institucional generar la URL del podcast y
comprobando que no tenga restricciones de reproducción para
que pueda compartir el enlace con el guion elaborado.

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