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Being a parent isn't a very easy job.

It is one of the most emotionally and physically

challenging opportunities in life. Being a parents is one of the most stressful job it is because
sometimes our parents will be so busy with their work life so they have to manage their work life
and also parenting life. We would never know how difficult it is being a parent until we actually
become a parents one day.

From a newborn baby all the way through adulthood, our parents have gladly raised us in
good way and mistakes we make. They provide us with uncountable love. Parents have a
tremendous responsibility for raising a child. One of the most important responsibility is being a
good role model to their kids. It is because kids watch and copies everything that their parents do.

As the child grows up, new challenges are created for the parents. One of the most important
part of raising a child is to teach it morals and discipline which some parents find it difficult on how
to teach a child a certain thing. For example, parents must show that lying and cheating are not
good. Also parents must find a way to discipline their children without causing fear in them. For
example, not to be too forceful in them but at the same time be able to gain their full respect.

Finally, one of the more difficult realities that parents face is the loss of their freedom and free
time. They will have a lot fewer romantic dinners together. Instead, they will be spending more time
at home with the children or in a family restaurant with the rest of the families with children. At first
accepting this reality will be a difficult task but as time goes on they will get used to it.

As an ending note, being a parents is not easy they will go through a lot then we think. Once
being a parents their main goal is to raise a good kid and become a better person in the future. It
takes a great deal of energy both physically and emotionally to become a good parent so we as a
child do respect our parents and never go against them.

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