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1. Definition of Ethics The term ethics derived from the Greek word “ethos”, which means “way of living”, ethics is a branch of philosophy that is concerned with human conduct, more specifically the behaviour of individuals in society. Ethics examines the rational justification for our moral judgments; it studies what is morally right or wrong, just or unjust. It may refer to the philosophical study of the concepts of moral right and wrong and moral good and bad, to any philosophical theory of what is morally right and wrong or morally good and bad, and to any system or code of moral rules, principles, or values. 2. Definition of Cyberethics. ¢ The term used for capturing the wide range of moral issues involving cybertechnology is known as cyberethics. e The computer networks which are privately owned are included in this wide concept of cyberethics and these networks are limited to Internet. ¢ Sometimes cyberethics can be defined as the study involving the factors social, moral and legal issues which further are related to cybertechnology. e Another way to define the term Cyberethics is related to the applied ethics field. The field of applied ethics basically helps in evaluating the social policies and laws which are necessary for responding to issues generated by the development and use of cybertechnology. 3. Scope of Cyberethics (i) Privacy: The content that is available on the internet should not hurt any moral, emotional, or personal ethics of individuals. Users should have the right to protect any information which they don’t want to share openly. Private information like user’s contact details, address, security-related information like bank details, credit card/debit card details, are all included in basic cyber ethics of user privacy and must not be breached in any case. Any breach of privacy is theft/fraud of user identity and user personal information, which is punishable as per the rules of law. (ii) IPR: IPR stands for Intellectual Property Rights. IPR defines that the owners have the complete right to the content that is posted on the internet. The entire content is solely a belonging of the originator and no individual is allowed to claim that content published by the original creator as its own. Unauthorized distribution of someone else’s work should never be adopted as it’s ethically incorrect to not give creation and monetary benefits to the creator of the work. (iii) Security: Security on the internet is the most basic ethical right that every user must be accessible. Users of the internet should feel safe while they surf the net. Security, in general means only authorized users to have access to the content on the computer. And confidential information is safe,without any risk of loss of information/content. (iv) Accuracy: The content available on the internet is accessed by billions of users. If there is no reliability of the information that is posted online, then it would mislead the masses. Cyberethics assert the importance of posting content on the internet that is correct in all aspects. Users trust the content of the internet and rely heavily on the internet for facts, therefore it is highly needed that the asked information is correct and reliable. 4. Significance of Cyberethics to prevent cyber crime Cyberethics governs rules that individuals must be polite and responsible when they use the internet. Cyberethics aim to protect the moral, financial, social behavior of individuals. Cyberethics engages the users to use the internet safely and use technology responsibly and sensibly. Cyberethics empathizes the behavior that must be adopted while using cyber technology. 5. Professional ethics. Professional ethics are principles that govern the behaviour of a person or group in a business environment. Like values, professional ethics provide rules on how a person should act towards other people and institutions in such an environment. 6. Ethics and Morality Difference between Ethics and Morality: Ethics Morality [The term ethics are defined as the principles that are set by a group of peoples and everyone has to follow them. The term morality is defined as the response lor answer that is given when a specific situation arises. The main features of lethics are that it is same land uniform for every society. Whereas the morality is different and vary from culture to culture and society to society. The term ethics is basically described in an abstract form. The form used to describe the morality are basically general rules land statements. In ethics everyone is free to think and choose. Freedom to choose and think is not provided in morality. The social system is lexternal from where the lethics are derived. The morality is derived lfrom an individual that is internal. The origin of ethics has come from a Greek word ethos. The origin of morality has Icome from a Latin word mos meaning custom. 7. Code of conduct, Moral responsibilities Book sec 2.1 8. Engineering ethics and its impact on society. The study of related questions about moral ideals, character, policies and relationships of people and organizations involved in technological activity, can be termed as Engineering ethics. The ethical decisions and moral values of an engineer need to be considered because the decisions of an engineer have an impact the products and services - how safe they are to use, the company and its shareholders who believe in the goodwill of the company, the public and the society who trusts the company regarding the benefits of the people, the law which cares about how legislation affects the profession and industry, the job and his moral responsibilities and about how the environment gets affected, etc.

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