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Sardar Patel University
T Y B C A 5th Semester(CBCS) Examination 2013

U.SOSCBCAO 1:Visual Programming through VB.NET

Dart:e : 1611 L"2013:Saturday No. ofpages: 02

Til!l1e :10:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Total Marks: 70

Q.l MCQ [10]

f ull Forrr. of CTS is

a)Commm Transaction System b) Common Type System
G)CommOil Type language System d)Common Type Specification

2 The JIT is: one type of

a) Hardware b) Measurement Unit
c) Compiler d) Time

3 To create procedure keyword is used.

a)Sub b) Procedure
c)Functicn d) None of these

4 1m VB .NIT, inputbox returns type of data.

c.)Double b) String
c.)Integer d) none of these

5 Ln VB.Net is used to set multiple properties for any objects.

· c.)For b) Until
c) With d) None of these

6 How man; RadioButtons in a Group Box can be selected at the same time?
~ 0 ~1
c) 2 d) 3

7 What is the method used to activate the color dialog box?

a~) ActivatreDialog b) DisplayDialog
c) ExhibiOialog d) ShowDialog

8 __________ method is used to populate DataSet.

a) Populate: b)Open
c)Fill d)Store

9 is disconnected, in-memory representation of data.

a) DataRea:ier b) DataAdapter
c) DataSet d) DataCommand

10 For insert, 1pdat:e , and delete SQL commands, method is used. [P.T.O]
a)ExecuteDataReader b)ExecuteScalar
c)ExecuteJii;.eader d)ExecuteNonQuery

Q.2 Short questions (Attempt any 10) [20]
1 List the types of project.
2 What is CLS?
3 What is Boxing?
4 __Write any two difference between MDI and Spl.
5 List any four events supported by Windows Form.
6 Differentiate between : Messagebox- Inputbox
7 - Explain
- any four properties ofDateTimePicker.

8 Differentiate between radio button and checkbox.

9 Write a syntax ofTry ........ Catch statement.
10 Explain the use of server explorer in data access in .net.
11 What is use of DataReader?
12 Mention different types of data providers available in ADO .NET Framework.

Q.3 Explain VB.Net Architecture. [1 ()~

Explain VB.NET IDE. [1 OJ

Q.4 a) Explain lnputbox(). [4]

b) Explain the following structure with example.
I) For ... Next 2)Select ... End Select [6]

a) Explain Form life cycle in detail. [4]

b) Explain Msgbox(). [E]
Q.5 a) Explain following controls with its properties, methods and events [6]
1) ColorDialogBox 2) FontDialogbox

b) Write a note on HScoriiBar and VScroiiBar H


a) Explain Listbox, combobox and Checkedlistbox. [6]

b) Explain different types of error handling .Explain any one in detail [{

Q.6 a) Explain use of"ExecuteScaler", "ExecuteNonQuery" and "ExecuteReader" [6]
method in detail. ·

b) Explain the steps, how can we retrieve data in DataSet? [4]


a) Explain the connected architecture of ADO.NET in brief. [4]

b) What are the four common SQL commands used to retrieve and modify data [6]
in a SQL Database? Also explain Any two.

(A 26)
No. of printecij)iiges: 2
SCA (V Semester) Examination
Tuesday, 17 March 2015
10.30 am - 1.30 pm
USOSCBCAOl - Visual Programming through VB.NET
Total Marks: 70



1 Full Form ofCLS.

(a) Common Language System (c) Computer LAN System
(b) Com!'I10nLanguage Specification (d) Computer LAN Software

2 statement is used to declare variable in

(b) INT (c) Dim (d) All of Above

(a) Var

3 MSIL Means

a) Microsoft Intermediate Language

b) M Small Internet Language
c) Microsoft Individual Language
d) Note of Above
4 loop execute at least once.
a) while loop c) do ...while
b) if d) for
type of data.
5 In VB .NET, msgboxO returns
a) Double c) String
b) Integer d) none of these

6 Which statements are optional in an If...Then statement?

c) Else d) All of the above
a) If b) Then

7 Which is not a standard dialog box?

a) ColorDialog
b) FontDialog
c) OpenDialog
d) ZoomDialog
8 statement enables exception handling.

a) Option explicit b) Option strict c) On Error Ooto d) none

9 ____ is disconne~ted, in-memory representation of data. d) DataSet [P.T.OJ
a) DataReader b) DataCommand c)'OataAdapter
10 _____ method is used to populate DataSet. d) Store
a) Populate b) Fill c) Open
Q.2 Short questioDs(Attempt any 10) [20]

L,Pefine Boxing.
2 List any four operators? ..
3 List the data types supported by
..!..j)ifferentiate between : Messagebox - Inputbox.
5 List any four properties supported by Windows Form.
6 Write a difference between MOl and SOL
7 Explain any four properties oftextbox.
8 Differentiate between listbox and combobox
9 Write a syntax of Try .... , ...Catch statement.
10 Mention different types of data providers available in ADO .NET Framework.
11 What is the use of the Connection object?
12 What is difference between DataSet and DataReader?

Q.3 Explain VB.Net Architecture in detail. [10]

Q.3 Explain VB.NET IDE in detail. [10]

Q.4 a) Explain inputboxO. [5]

b) What is procedure? How the procedures are declared? Explain the ways of passing [5]
arguments with example.

Q.4 a) Explain Select .... " '" ., ...End Select with example. [6]
b) Explain Looping statement with example.

Q.5 a) Explain radio button with its properties, methods and events. [5]

b) Explain different types of error handling .Explain anyone in detaiL.


Q.5 a) Explain HSCrollbar & VScrollbar with its properties, methods and events. [5]
b) Write down the steps to add menu on the form and explain at least three [5]
properties of menu.
Q.6 (a) Describe disconnected architecture of ADO.NET's data access model. [5]
(b) Explain a DataGridView control. [5]
Q.6 (a) Explain the steps to bind the application with the Database in ADO .net. [5]
(b) Describe connected architecture of ADO.NET. [5]

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