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Tugas Bahasa Inggris


Nim : P032014401037

Prodi : D3 Keperawatan Tingkat 1A

Dosen : Dr. Supriusman

Do you know what these stand for? Write the full meaning!

1. BP : Blood Pressure
Meaning : Is measured in mmHg, i.e. millimeters of Mercury.
refers to the pressure that the blood experiences in the blood
vessels when the blood is pumped by the heart to all parts of the
human body.

2. TPR : Temperature, Pulse, Respiration

Meaning : used especially in recording a patient's vital signs on a
medical chart.

3. Y : Tyrosine
Meaning : Tyrosine A white crystalline amino acid that is derived
from the hydrolysis of proteins such as casein and is a precursor of
epinephrine, thyroxine, and melanin.

4. N : Normal
Meaning : Occurring naturally and not because of disease,
inoculation, or any experimental treatment. Or bodily functions are
normal, without any disturbance.

5. Pt : Physiotherapy
Meaning : The profession concerned with promotion of health,
with prevention of physical disabilities, with evaluation and
rehabilitation of persons disabled by pain, disease, or injury, and
with treatment by physical therapeutic measures as opposed to
medical, surgical, or radiologic measures.

6. RIB : Rest in Bed Hospital

Meaning : Bed rest, also referred to as the rest-cure, is a medical
treatment in which a person lies in bed for most of the time to try
to cure an illness. Bed rest refers to voluntarily lying in bed as a
treatment and not being confined to bed because of a health
impairment which physically prevents leaving bed.

7. PO : Orally
Meaning : Measured of temperature

8. O/A : Osteo Arthritis

Meaning : A type of arthritis caused by inflammation, breakdown,
and eventual loss of cartilage in the joints. Also known as
degenerative arthritis.

9. (H)PU : Has Passed Urine

Meaning : is the incidence of excreting urine in the urinary tool
from the urethra until the urinary meatus leaves the body.

10. NPU : Nomenclature for Properties and Units

Meaning : is a patient centered clinical laboratory terminology for
use in the clinical laboratory sciences. Its function is to enable
results of clinical laboratory examinations to be used safely across
technology, time and geography.

11. BO : Bowel Open

Meaning : is an action or living thing to remove solid or solid
waste or feces that come from the digestive system of living things.
12. IV : Intra Veins
Meaning : is a medical technique that delivers fluid directly into a
person's vein. Intravenous means "within a vein." Most often it
refers to giving medicines or fluids through a needle or tube
inserted into a vein. This allows the medicine or fluid to enter your
bloodstream right away.

13. IM : Intra Musculus

Meaning : is injection into the body muscle. Intramuscular is
situated within, occurring within, or administered by entering a
muscle intramuscular fat an intramuscular injection.

14. NAD : Nothing Abnormal Detected

Meaning : is the examination carried out normal detection and
nothing is considered problematic or different from the usual.

15. O/E : Orthopedic Examination

Meaning : is examinations performed to treat and prevent diseases
of the musculoskletal system, such as bones, joints, muscles and

16. C/O : Complains Of

Meaning : a statement that a situation is unsatisfactory or
unacceptable. is something expressed that comes out of a feeling of

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